0 projects

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Snowdrift at the solar park of Isfjord Radio, RiS ID 12308

The adaptation of renewable energy in the Arctic requires knowledge of the Arctic climate's influence on energy installations such as solar panels. Therefore, snowdrift is investigated at the recently installed solar photovoltaic array at Isfjord Radio. For this, observations from a weather stati...

Awarded: NOK 54,784

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Laser Drill for Arctic Snowpack Stratigraphy Study, RiS ID 12098

The proposed project ‘Laser Drill for Arctic Snowpack Stratigraphy Study’ (LASER ARCS) will test a new device for measuring snowpack stratigraphy under Arctic conditions. The SnowLaserDrill (SLD), consists of two lasers. The drilling laser is used to melt a hole into the snow; the second laser is...

Awarded: NOK 59,481

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum


This MSc Thesis project is going to look at the stability of cultural heritage foundations and other infrastructures. The project is located in Svalbard as all study objects are physically located in Svalbard. The study objects are related to technical-industrial heritage and are the prioritised ...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Mercury dynamics in Svalbard terrestrial ecosystems, RiS ID 11828.

Frozen Arctic soils have been found to store large amounts of mercury (Hg), a highly toxic metal. As the permafrost is thawing due to climate change, it is suggested that this mercury could release from the soil, potentially becoming available to the terrestrial food web. Methylated mercury (MeHg...

Awarded: NOK 73,300

Project Period: 2022-2022

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Valley sea breeze in Adventdalen, RIS ID 11839

Renewable energy research is a developing field in the Arctic and especially at UNIS. The environmental and meteorological conditions are different from lower latitudes. In my PhD, I investigate meteorological phenomena which are relevant to renewable energy. One aspect of this are local wind cir...

Awarded: NOK 58,000

Project Period: 2022-2022

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

From Svalbard to Mars: subsurface investigation of periglacial landforms with the WISDOM/EXOMARS GPR, RiS ID 11854

On June 2023 the ESA (European Space Agency) rover of the ExoMars mission will land on Mars. The missions’ goal is to search for the existence of past life on Mars. Its payload is equipped with WISDOM (Water Ice Subsurface Deposits Observation on Mars), a shallow Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) ...

Awarded: NOK 87,000

Project Period: 2022-2022

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Rehabilitation of cableway posts, cultural herritage in Longyearbyen as a part of PCCH-Artic, Ris ID 11866

Rehabilitation of cableway posts in Longyearbyen. Find a better and more economical solution for the rehabilitation that may be used on more than one structure. Do temperature measurement and soil investigations for design of the foundation. For further information see the project description (...

Awarded: NOK 20,995

Project Period: 2022-2022

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Coastal Erosion modelling in Hiorthhamn, Longyearbyen (Svalbard)

The field work activities will be located in the shoreline of Hiorthhamn, to the northeast shore of Adventfjord, 3 km far from Longyearbyen. This area retains the archaeological remains of coal-mining activities dating from 1902. One of the objects of cultural heritage in Hiorthhamn is Taubanesta...

Awarded: NOK 33,313

Project Period: 2022-2022

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Temporal variability of thermomechanical effects on fast ice covers in the arctic RiS number: 11658

The objective of this project is to study thermomechanical and tidal effects in fast ice. This research can be applied to understanding loading on coastal and marine structures. There is a desire to deepen the understanding on temporal variability on effects. Temporal variability of effects is ca...

Awarded: NOK 7,700

Project Period: 2021-2022

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Emerging Pollutants in north – western Spitsbergen Snow: concentration distribution, sources, and transport processes

After the recent report on Chemicals of emerging Arctic concern (CEACs) by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP 2017), the recent focus of international Arctic pollution research is turned towards the fate elucidation of CEACs in many Arctic countries. Recently, AMAP published a pri...

Awarded: NOK 74,999

Project Period: 2021-2021

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Harmonizing Environmental Research and Monitoring of Priority Pollutants in the Svalbard Atmosphere

Pristine Arctic ecosystems are one of the most fragile and fast responding to global environmental changes, thus representing a promising "natural laboratory" for studies on global changes. Most monitoring programs and scientific studies focus on already known contaminants like polychlorinated bi...

Awarded: NOK 0.42 mill.

Project Period: 2020-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Investigation of thermo-mechanical properties of sea ice, RiS ID 11408

The project is focused on the investigation of ice actions on coastal zone in Spitsbergen. In particular the project work includes laboratory experiments and in-situ measurements of deformations of land fast ice caused by changes of the air temperature and freezing of sea water in tidal cracks. T...

Awarded: NOK 48,999

Project Period: 2020-2020

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

A method to identify sea-ice breakup: a pilot study

This pilot study is aimed to bring together experts in wave and ice dynamics to develop a methodology to identify the exact instant at which sea-ice cracks or breaks. To develop a systematic approach to measure wave-induced sea-ice breakup international collaboration is vital because: (i) the lac...

Awarded: NOK 0.42 mill.

Project Period: 2020-2022

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Persistent organic pollution in thawing permafrost

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are organic chemical substances produced as pesticides, industrial chemicals and industrial unintentional by-products. POPs retain particular physical and chemical properties such that, once discharged into the environment, they remain intact for exceptionally...

Awarded: NOK 64,610

Project Period: 2019-2020

Location: Svalbard