0 projects

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Dynamics of anthropogenic pollutants in the Arctic fjord environment (Svalbard, Norway), RiS ID: 11872

Multiple drivers influenced the chain of events called "Arctic amplification", reflecting in ecosystem impacts. It is precisely in an Arctic fjord environment, the Kongsfjorden-Krossfjorden system (KKS), located on the northwest coast of Spitsbergen, that also the Atlantification process is occur...

Awarded: NOK 60,217

Project Period: 2022-2022

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

Advancing Knowledge on Methane in the Arctic (AKMA): Norway-USA Collaboration

Prosjektet AKMA (Avansert Kunnskap om Metan i Arktis) har som hovedformål å utvikle og etablere tverrfaglig utdanning og forskning med fokus på Arktiske metankilder. AKMA skal utdanne framtidige eksperter i Arktisk marin forskning spesielt knyttet til klimagass problematikk. Utdanning og forsknin...

Awarded: NOK 4.5 mill.

Project Period: 2019-2024

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

POS-ERC-Støtte til ERC-søkere som oppnår god evaluering

The Greenland Subglacial Lake & Ice Dynamics Experiment

The aim is to directly sample, instrument and assess life, hydrology and flow dynamics within and around a subglacial lake (SGL) beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. SGLs are an extraordinary component of the hydrosphere and among the most extreme aquatic environments where life is found. The impact ...

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Period: 2018-2020

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa