0 projects


Ultrasonic Antifouling for Floating Solar

The floating solar (FPV) business is under rapid development. A report issued by the World Bank called “Where Sun Meets Water” addresses certain challenges regarding operation and maintenance (O&M) with FPV solutions, and one of the most important of these challenges is that of biofouling. The co...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2021-2022

Location: Oslo


High frequency response of slender structures in steep waves

I løpet av de siste årene har den fornybare industrien opplevd en betydelig teknologisk utvikling for offshore vind. Dette gir muligheter for utbygging av store offshore vindparker. Den største utfordringen for næringen i dag er høye kostnader. For å få kostnadene ned kreves det mer optimaliserte...

Awarded: NOK 1.5 mill.

Project Period: 2014-2018

Location: Akershus