0 projects


Mathematical models of plankton populations - Sofia Piltz - UK

Phytoplankton, and the zooplankton that graze upon them, play a crucial role in the dynamics observed at higher levels of the aquatic food chain and in climate change. Although there is a vast literature of data analysis and modelling work on changes in t he size and composition of plankton popul...

Awarded: NOK 42,000

Project Period: 2014-2014

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa


Is mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation efficiency a key factor for a successful breeding in the artic Kittiwake? P.-A Monternier France

It is well known that energy metabolism is strongly related to body size and internal organ masses. At the subcellular level, studies have clearly reported that interspecific variation in body mass can be related to some aspects of mitochondrial bioenerge tics. In birds, the reproductive period i...

Awarded: NOK 42,000

Project Period: 2014-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


A Study of Middle English Derivational Morphology - Laura Esteban-Segura - Spain

The project investigates the competition between suffixal doublets in Middle English. These structures are characterised by the appearance of the same base with two different suffixes, with no apparent distinction in meaning. Examples of doublets are 'ble reschipe' and 'blerinesse' ('bleariness')...

Awarded: NOK 42,000

Project Period: 2014-2014

Location: Rogaland


Fracture of particle-reinforced thermoplastics - Rafael Traldi Moura - Brazil

Based on the proposed objectives for this project, key words for the research activities in this project are summarized below. Please see the project description for further details. (1) Selection of materials. (2) Mechanical test programme. (3) Scanni ng electron microscopy (SEM). (4) Evalua...

Awarded: NOK 80,000

Project Period: 2014-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Localization effects in spectral problems of mathematical physics - Alexandra Chechkina - Russia

The concentration and localization phenomena play an important role in natural science and engineering. Various concentration effects can be observed in population biology, ecology, mechanics, and in engineering technological processes. For example, study ing when populations of bacteria or virus...

Awarded: NOK 0.20 mill.

Project Period: 2014-2014

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda


Integrating Live Electronics into Improvised Music Performance - Paul Hession - UK

I intend to visit Stavanger in order to immerse myself in the vibrant musical and rigorous research environment to be found there. I have encountered musicians from Norway in Leeds, such as Didrik Ingvaldssen, Ståle Birkeland and Petter Frost Fadnes, when they were studying, and later teaching, ...

Awarded: NOK 84,000

Project Period: 2014-2014

Location: Rogaland


Solutions of Theories of Gravity with Quantum Corrections - Tomas Malek - Czech Republic

Universal metrics are solutions of all possible higher order gravity theories simultaneously regardless to the form of their quantum corrections. Consequently, they are solutions of the full quantum gravity despite the fact that we do not known what the t heory precisely should be. At the present...

Awarded: NOK 43,224

Project Period: 2014-2014

Location: Rogaland


Fish intake and vitamin D status: data from randomized clincial trials and meta-analysis of RCTs - Ulrike Lehmann - Germany

Fish is a rich source of nutrients (protein, selenium, n3-long chain fatty acids, vitamin D) in the diet. With the exception of fortified food, it is the main source of vitamin D in the diet. Although there is a lot of epidemiological data on the associat ion of high or low fish intake on vitamin...

Awarded: NOK 57,370

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Vestland


Functional interactions between large herbivores and plant communities in contrasted ecosystems - Marjorie Bison - France

Large herbivores have a key-role on plant specific and functional diversity given their position in the trophic network, between producers and carnivores. However, the role of large herbivores may be diverse depending on herbivore species, population dens ity, and spatial scale, as well as ecosys...

Awarded: NOK 42,000

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa


Applying Ricoeurian concepts of recognition in classroom interaction research - Rada Jancic -Serbia

Abstract: Motivation for this project originated in the understanding that in order for children to develop as dignified human beings, schools should be places of capability development. Both institutions, Faculty of Education in Bielefeld (Germany) and D epartment of Education at NTNU, although ...

Awarded: NOK 0.13 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


How L1-instruction at school impacts immigrant students' language use pattern, self development and social integration - Nanine Lilla - Ger

The planned research project aims at investigating the impact of L1-instruction at school on immigrant students' patterns of L1 and L2 language use, self development and integration in friendship networks in Norway. In studies on immigrant students in Ge rmany we could already show (a) that a co...

Awarded: NOK 0.28 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Protective Properties of Fish Seminal Plasma: A Comparative Study On Taxonomically Distant Aquaculture Species - Anna Shaliutina - Czech Rep

During the past decade, the results of several studies have suggested that the protein composition of seminal plasma is important in protection of fish spermatozoa during their storage in the reproductive system, as well as in maintaining sperm viability. However, there is a lack of information ...

Awarded: NOK 56,000

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda


Risk modelling of invasive insects threatening South Africa's forests - Brett Hurley - South Africa

Introduced insect pests of trees pose a serious threat to forestry worldwide. This is especially true in South Africa where the increase in the rate of new pest invasions is threatening the sustainability of forestry in the country, a sector of great econ omic importance to numerous South African...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Akershus


Selection in Migration: Investigating the Skill Composition of Migrants to Norway from Poland and the Baltic States. Janis Umblijs - Ireland

The proposed research will utilise data from the European Union's Labour Force Survey (EU LFS) and Norwegian registry data to investigate whether EU migrants arriving in Norway via a third country have higher skills than return and permanent migrants. In order to address this question, the initi...

Awarded: NOK 0.34 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Oslo


Usability assessment of a web based tool for visualizing integrated vulnerability to natural disasters in Norway - Izabela Golebiowska - Pol

The effects of climate change will bring about changes locally. Global warming is anticipated to result in more extreme weather events, such as storms, floods and landslides. Because of that, local authorities need to increase their ability to assess the possible impacts of weather-related hazar...

Awarded: NOK 0.11 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Sediment Coring of Lakes in Western and Northern Caucasus as a Basis of Reconstructions - Mikhail Alexandrin - Russia

The climatic history of the Holocene in Caucasus is very poorly studied. No high resolution climatic and glaciological reconstructions are known up till now. Lacustrine sediments often being a continuous uninterrupted chronicle of sedimentation can be suc cessfully used as a means of specificatio...

Awarded: NOK 98,000

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Vestland


Investment treaties of the European Union - Luca Pantaleo - Italy

This research project is aimed at examining the development of EU's investment relations with third countries in light of the innovations introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon. There is a number of economic international agreements currently under negotiatio n between the European Union on the hand,...

Awarded: NOK 0.34 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2016

Location: Oslo


An Empirical Analysis of the Interaction of Institutions and Human Behaviour - Lars Berger - Germany

The period of my stay will be structured in three phases. The overall objective is to elaborate a joint publication by the Noragric and the RESS. For this purpose, I will make available to my colleagues the data set which I collected in the last two years in the P.R.C. Following the title of the...

Awarded: NOK 84,000

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Akershus


Application of monolithic columns in algal virus research - Sandra Kolundzija - Croatia

Although HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) is widely used separation method, its application using conventional (particle based) stationary phases, is rather restricted to smaller molecules. However, by using monolithic chromatographic support s, it enables processing of large biomole...

Awarded: NOK 42,000

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Vestland


Hydrogen adsorption over iron and titanium based catalyst doped with Pt, Pd, Rt. - Valeria Verdinelli - Argentina

This project addresses the main problem of fuel cell electrodes from a theoretical approach. Studies over electrodes for fuel cell are mainly costly experiments and time dependent, therefore, having a theoretical tool that could predict these behaviors wi ll reduce time and cost. In this work we ...

Awarded: NOK 0.18 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Akershus


Diabetes Health Recommender System - Carlos Luis Sanchez Bocanegra - Spain

Internet has overabundance of health information that is frequently misleading. Recent studies show that patients look for quality health information of their diseases. Recommender systems can be a potential solution since they can be used to retrieve hig h quality health information provided by ...

Awarded: NOK 0.11 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa


Jewish Ibsen. The influence of the Polish-Jewish Relations on the Reception of Ibsen's Dramas - Agata Dabrowska - Poland

Over the centuries, the cultural activity of Polish Jews suffered from marginalization, which had an unquestionable influence on the way Jewish art was perceived. The common recipient considered it artistic kitsch, and believed theatre to be its least wor thy form; he will use the term 'shund' (g...

Awarded: NOK 0.34 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Oslo


Assessment and mitigation of Earthquake Hazard in Sahary area, South Egypt - Abdelnasser Mohamed - Egypt

Since the applicant has already a PhD in seismology the proposed visit to Norway has a fourfold expected outcome: 1) The visit is planned with a lot of work in four intimately connected areas: Hazard, soil amplification, vulnerability and mitigation. The background of the applicant together with...

Awarded: NOK 52,000

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Akershus


Finding maximum subgraphs Research visit of Ivan Bliznets - Russia

The funding sought is for a research stay of Ivan Bliznets, a PhD student from St. Petersburg Academic University of the RAS, Russia, at the Algorithms Research Group at the University of Bergen. The duration of the stay is 3 months.

Awarded: NOK 42,000

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Vestland


Fate and toxicity of priority endocrine disrupting organic pollutants in soil - Ivo Havranek - Czech Republic

This project will investigate the environmental fate and adverse effects on soil organisms of organo-phosphate flame retardants, triclosan and nonyl-/octyl phenols contained in domestic sewage sludge following its incrorporation into agricultural soil. Currently, sludge from treatment of domes...

Awarded: NOK 0.11 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Akershus


Hvordan skildres "det fremmede" dvs. fjerne folkeslag og overnaturlige skikkelser i sagalitteraturen - Ugnius Mikucionis - Litauen

Forskningen på "Det fremmede" byr på utfordringer. Et av problemene med forskning på "fremmede", dvs. overnaturlige skikkelser, er at virkelighetsfortåelsen i middelalderen var annerledes enn dagens. I forbindelse med dette prosjektet velger vi å skille m ellom det naturlige og det overnaturlige ...

Awarded: NOK 0.34 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Oslo


Direct targeting of lactic acid bacteria to dendritic cells for vaccine delivery - Christophe Michon - France

In this project, we will join the forces of a French and a Norwegian laboratory working on the development of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as safe, cheap and effective delivery vehicles for vaccines or genes. PhD student Christophe Michon from the Langella group at INRA in Paris will visit the Eij...

Awarded: NOK 56,000

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Akershus


A Contested Terrain: Construction, Labour Mobility & Trade Unions - Darragh Golden - Ireland

The free movement of labour is one of the 'Four Freedoms' of the EU enshrined by the Treaty of Rome. The primary aim is the creation of a single market whereby goods, capital, services and labour can move freely, uninhibited by constraints. This involves the removal of national tariff and non-ta...

Awarded: NOK 0.34 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Oslo


Population genomics in forest trees based on reduced representation genome sequencing - Ksenya Zakharova - Russia

Previously, genetic characterization and population genetics on forest trees have been based on very few molecular markers, typically isozymes, microsatellites or cytoplasmic markers, gaining a poor coverage of the genome. Recent developments in reduced-r epresentation genome sequencing have brou...

Awarded: NOK 84,000

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Akershus


Functions of regulatory B'' subunits of protein phosphatase 2A - Mallesham Bulle - India

The project will support a collaboration between the biological chemistry group (CORE) at the University in Stavanger and the Biotechnology Department at Kakatiya University in India for exchange of knowledge and staff. Both universities share an interest in basic plant science as well as a comm...

Awarded: NOK 0.18 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Rogaland