13,423 projects


Ocean Acidification in the Arctic: effects of ice

CARSIC will develop basic knowledge through studies related to process understanding of Arctic Ocean biogeochemistry and ocean acidification: aiming to estimate future carbonate system parameters state in the Arctic Ocean. We plan to work on a database, perform field studies in Svalbard, and ma...

Awarded: NOK 0.79 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2016

Location: Oslo


FREMONEC: Effect of climate change and related stressors on fresh and brackish water ecosystems in Svalbard

The Russian-Norwegian collaboration project FREMONEC aims to strengthen the cooperation between Norway and Russia on polar research in Svalbard. It will serve as a positive example for a network building in thematic areas relevant for both countries: impa cts of climate change, biodiversity and e...

Awarded: NOK 0.90 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2016

Location: Oslo


Bjerknes Compensation Mechanism: Historical perspective, geographical pattern, and Arctic multi-decadal predictability

Long runs (hundreds of years) of the global climate models and high-resolution climate proxy data sets provide an opportunity to study multi-decadal natural variability of the coupled atmospheric and oceanic circulation. The Nordic seas and the Arctic are regions were such a natural variability ...

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2016

Location: Vestland


Spatial and temporal variability in sea ice and primary production dynamics of the Arctic Ocean

Biological production starts with photosynthesis, energy from the sun captured by plants and converted to carbohydrates. In the oceans, microscopic algae make up most of this production, they are the primary producers. With the extreme seasonality of the physical environment of the Arctic, parti...

Awarded: NOK 1.00 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2016

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

The CRYO-FImBack workshop - Atmospheric forcing and surface energy balance - impacts and feedbacks on the Arctic terrestrial cryosphere

Glaciers and permafrost are the two major components of the terrestrial cryosphere, which will be strongly affected by the changing climate system. A warming climate will change ground temperatures or the glacier mass balance, with important consequences, e.g. release of methane from thawing per...

Awarded: NOK 0.20 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Oslo

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

The Permian Strata of Svalbard (Support for event)

Several international research groups have been independently working on various geological issues connected to the Permian Strata of Svalbard in recent years. "The Permian Strata of Svalbard" is an international, multidisciplinary workshop intended to br ing together these diverse scientists and...

Awarded: NOK 0.13 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Tectono-sedimentary analysis of growth faults development, Billefjorden Trough. RiS ID 6045

During a summer field season 2013 I would like to investigate the growth faults and their impact into sedimentary facies distribution in the Billefjorden Trough, Svalbard. Two case areas will be examined: (1) the Løvehovden fault in Ebbadalen and Ragnarda len and (2) Odellfjellet and Balliolbreen...

Awarded: NOK 28,415

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Svalbard


Reconstruction of Environmental Histories Using Long-Lived Bivalve Shells in the Norwegian Arctic (RELIC)

Analysis of accreted calcium carbonate parts of marine animals has proven useful as a tool in reconstruction of marine environmental histories. In particular, the shells of long-lived bivalve molluscs have provided insight into recent and prehistoric clim atic conditions of tropical and temperate...

Awarded: NOK 1.1 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2016

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa


Plant biomass studies in the Arctic (ArcticBiomass)

The main purpose is to establish a joint American-Norwegian research team dealing with research on the combination of field and satellite remote sensing based above-ground plant biomass, vegetation productivity and growing season mapping in northern Alask a and in Svalbard, as well as on a circum...

Awarded: NOK 1.1 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2016

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Microbial eukaryotes in an arctic marine ecosystem: who are they, where are they and how do they interact with their environment?

Arctic ecosystems are changing, and the urgency to understand the biodiversity and functional links of todays? ecosystems is apparent. The freshening of the Arctic Ocean has already led to a shift in the microbial communities, potentially altering the who le arctic food web from microbes to whale...

Awarded: NOK 38,999

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Svalbard


Fate of COPePod secondarY production in a chancing Arctic

A warmer climate with less extensive ice cover will lead to higher total primary production in the Arctic, which has the potential to increase the overall secondary production. Altered climate conditions will also affect timing of primary production, with consequences for the grazers of marine e...

Awarded: NOK 0.90 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2016

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

The interaction of periglacial and karst features as seen at a small lake system at Linnédalen, west central Spitsbergen

The purpose of this project is field work for a master's thesis dedicated to investigating the dynamics occurring due to the interaction and related development of permafrost, periglacial and karst features. This unique pairing is encountered at Linnédale n, west-central Spitsbergen. Here, a set ...

Awarded: NOK 29,419

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Influence of ground topography and wind on snow distribution and stability in High Arctic Svalbard

This project investigates the relationship between ground topography and snowpack distribution / stability as the snowpack develops throughout the Longyearbyen region. This area provides an ideal site for this project for multiple reasons including the mo untainous wind swept landscape, unique sn...

Awarded: NOK 8,459

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Glacier surges: controls, processes and distribution

This project will use an approach combining remote sensing, fieldwork and modeling to re-define glacier surging, assess the current state of the world's surge-type glaciers, and ultimately develop a single model of a glacier surge. Remote sensing analyses will provide data to build a global data...

Awarded: NOK 2,034

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Svalbard

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Mapping wintering areas and metal concentrations of Arctic seabirds

The main objective of my MSc thesis is to investigate whether migration strategies and wintering areas affect metal concentrations and compositions in Arctic seabirds, i.e. in common eiders, arctic skuas and long-tailed skuas. On the indivdual level, I wi ll also test whether migratory consistenc...

Awarded: NOK 68,999

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Estimating energy expenditure in free-living Kittiwakes using DLW and accelerometers, RIS ID 3828

Energy expenditure in free-living kittiwakes in Kongsfjorden , Svalbard, has been estimated by doubly labeled water method (DLW) during 9 years since 1998. This is the longest available dataset for any free-living bird species. Long-term datasets are espe cially important in rapidly changing envi...

Awarded: NOK 74,999

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Tephrochronology of the North Atlantic region during Early Holocene, RiS:5842(under project: Holocene environmental change of Svalbard

Tephra studies from Svalbard is so far sparse but tephra has been identified in both ice cores and in lake sediments reflecting the area's potential. I would like to add an additional site to my PhD project. My PhD project focuses to create an early Holo cene (11.700 to 8000 cal yr BP) tephrochr...

Awarded: NOK 31,226

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Svalbard

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Population genetics of Silene acaulis in the High Arctic , RiS ID 6166

Although temperature seems to be the overriding driving factor of population genetics in the Arctic, local factors like edaphic conditions and competition, are also influencing. In addition, the stochasticity related to environmental variables is expected to affect several demographic traits of ...

Awarded: NOK 62,999

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Oslo

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Adult sex ratio variation of Svalbard reindeer in relation to animal density and climate, RIS ID: 6169.

In this study I will estimate adult sex ratio in Svalbard reindeer and examine to what degree the variation can be explained by environmental conditions, i.e. weather and food availability. To obtain this, I will analyze spatiotemporal variation in sex ra tios from long-term monitoring data of mu...

Awarded: NOK 39,999

Project Period: 2013-2015

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Demography of geographical range limits of tundra plants in a changing climate, RiS ID 6174

This project will add to an existing study of the geographical ranges limits of a key climate indicator species, the tundra cushion plant Silene acaulis, across its latitudinal range in Europe. Existing sites from Sweden to Spain reach the southern range limit of the species, but adding sites i...

Awarded: NOK 21,505

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Svalbard

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Fungi-plant interaction: how can this affect sexual plant reproduction and population genetics? RIS ID 5009

The main aim of the project is to study spatial variation in fungal diversity, and its relation with biotic and abiotic factor. A special focus will be given to study the effect of fungi-plant interaction and the investment in asexual versus sexual plant reproduction by using B. vivipara as mode...

Awarded: NOK 41,999

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Svalbard

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

GPR survey of Botneheia, from outcrop to simulator, RiS ID 6048

I plan to conduct a 3D ground-penetrating radar survey at Botneheia in order to address critical issues regarding reservoir connectivity within the CO2 storage aquifer of the Kapp Toscana Group. The work involves a spring and short summer campaign for gro und truthing, and utilises equipment alre...

Awarded: NOK 39,999

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Vestland

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Ecological and evolutionary constraints of prokaryotic microbial biodiversity in terrestrial and lake ecosystems of Svalbard, RiS 6206

The diversity of polar (cyano)bacteria has not been well explored until now. In contrast to vascular plants and animals, little is known about the biodiversity, biogeography and evolutionary history of prokaryotic microbial organisms. The traditional vi ew is that historical factors are of litt...

Awarded: NOK 47,999

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Effect of season length and temperature on date of senescence in various arctic plant species subject to changes in snow-depth RIS ID - 6208

I will be conducting long-term monitoring of the effects of temperature and season length on senescence in various arctic plants subjected to changes in snow-depth in Adventdalen, Svalbard.

Awarded: NOK 13,374

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Acoustic methods in detection and analyzing of calving events at the Hans Glacier front, RiS ID: 6133

My project is based on the hypothesis that characteristics of the acoustic signals recorded in the Arctic fjord provide valuable information about the dynamics of surrounding tidewater glaciers. In the summer of 2013, during a 3-months experiment, two aut onomous, hydroacoustic buoys will be depl...

Awarded: NOK 46,874

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Oslo

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Epiphytic diatoms from the Arctic coasts: ecology, taxonomy and biogeography, RIS ID 6207

Diatoms are important biotic elements of Arctic marine ecosystem, significantly influencing the dynamics of primary production, nutrient cycling, carbon transport, oxygen flow and its activity, and all trophic processes. It is therefore imperative for the sake of the future of Arctic marine ecos...

Awarded: NOK 49,999

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Svalbard

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Photogrammetric investigations of calving activity and flow rate on Kronebreen, Svalbard (RiS ID 6162)

The proposed research is part of the CRIOS (Calving Rates and Impact on Sea Level) project which aims to apply optimised observational techniques for monitoring glacier motion and dynamics, as input for improved models of calving glacier dynamics. The pre sent study focuses on Kronebreen. Stereos...

Awarded: NOK 18,999

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Do OHCs affect thyroid hormone levels in glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) breeding in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard? RIS ID 5267

Sampling of the birds will take place in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, with base in Ny-Ålesund on the west coast of Spitsbergen, during June 2013, presumably five weeks. Capturing of 20-30 individuals will be carried out using trigger nest traps that will captu re the birds by its legs when it flies of...

Awarded: NOK 32,220

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

POLRES-Polarforskning POLRES

Estimating uncertainties and sources of error in population monitoring of the Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus)RiS : 6188

Monitoring population dynamics of wild ungulates relies on accurate estimates of population size and vital rates. However, errors in population monitoring methods can be numerous (e.g. lack of repeated measurement, sampling time period, observer bias etc .) and in most studies they are not inves...

Awarded: NOK 42,999

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Permafrost and sedimentary history of a high-arctic valley: Adventdalen, Spitsbergen, RiS ID: 6176

This project will develop an environmental reconstruction of the permafrost and sedimentary history of the sediments in Adventdalen. This will be determined using cryostratigraphic and sedimentary evidence obtained from a 60 m permafrost core in conjunct ion with local climate, sea level variati...

Awarded: NOK 9,954

Project Period: 2013-2014

Location: Svalbard