0 projects

POS-ERC-Støtte til ERC søkere som oppnår god evaluering

Moral residue – epistemological ramifications, ethical implications, and didactic opportunities.

This project is a contribution to moral philosophy and the didactics of medical ethics. It examines moral residue (MR), which designates the distress experience common among medical practitioners as well as other moral agents of recognizing what they take to be their own failure to meet a moral r...

Awarded: NOK 0.34 mill.

Project Period: 2021-2021

Location: Oslo

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

The European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare (ESPMH) - konferanse Oslo 2019

ESPMH-konferansen 2019 Senter for medisinsk etikk ved Universitetet i Oslo hadde i anledning sitt 30-års jubileum i 2019 gleden av å arrangere den 33. årlige konferansen til organisasjonen ESPMH ? European Society for Philosophy of Medicne and Health Care. ESPMH ble grunnlagt i 1987 av en gruppe...

Awarded: NOK 0.25 mill.

Project Period: 2019-2019

Location: Oslo

POS-ERC-Støtte til ERC søkere som oppnår god evaluering

Moral residue – epistemological ramifications, emotional implications, and didactic opportunities.

I revideringen av prosjektsøknaden vil fokus være på de fire punktene nevnt under hovedmål og delmål nevnt ovenfor.

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Period: 2019-2019

Location: Oslo

POS-ERC-Støtte til ERC søkere som oppnår god evaluering

Moral residue – epistemological ramifications, emotional implications, and didactic opportunities

One of the problems on the way from the level of ethical theory to practice is the phenomenon of moral residue or moral remainder (MR). This distress experience of doubt, guilt, regret, remorse and shame emerging from cumulating unresolved moral conflicts is pervasive in human experience, not the...

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Period: 2018-2018

Location: Oslo

BIOTEK2021-Bioteknologi for verdiskaping

LegRegPCM - Legal Regulation of Information Processing relating to Personalized Cancer Medicine (PCM)

Utviklingen innen genomikk og teknologi de senere årene har gjort det mulig å undersøke alt DNA hos en pasient, inkludert alle genene. Dette kan potensielt skape nye muligheter for diagnostikk, behandling og forebygging. Slik bruk av menneskelig DNA reiser imidlertid også en rekke juridiske spør...

Awarded: NOK 4.0 mill.

Project Period: 2015-2020

Location: Oslo


Reisestøtte - ISSCR's Annual Meeting, San Francisco 16. - 19. juni 2011


Awarded: NOK 10,000

Project Period: 2011-2011

Location: Oslo


Reisestøtte - ISSCR's Annual Meeting, San Francisco 16. - 19. juni 2010


Awarded: NOK 9,999

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Oslo

BIOETIKK-Etikk,samfunn og bioteknologi

Research biobanking and the ethics of transparent communication

Biobanking, i.e. storage of biological samples or data emerging from such samples for diagnostic, therapeutic or research purposes, has been going on for decades in many European countries and elsewhere. However, it is only since the mid 1990s that these activities have become the subject of cons...

Awarded: NOK 0.30 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2008

Location: Oslo

FRIMED-Klinisk medisin og folkehelse

From Divided Objects to Whole Subjects. Holistic Philosophy in Medicine.

In the project From Divided Objects to Whole Subjects a theoretical study shall be carried out with the aim of developing and imparting a perspective in medicine that has been given little attention in today’s medicine. This perspective is the one that co ncerns the sick person and that attempts ...

Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2010

Location: Oslo

FUGE-Funksjonell genomforskn.i Norg

Mapping the language of research-biobanks and health registries: From traditional biobanking to research biobanking

The aim of the project is to investigate some of the ethical, legal and social challenges raised by reseach biobanking in its different moderen forms and formats. Besides analysing current legislation, other forms of regulation and public debates concern ing biobanks in European and other elevan...

Awarded: NOK 5.0 mill.

Project Period: 2004-2007

Location: Oslo


En filosofisk analyse og kritikk av empatibegrep i medisinen

Prosjektet ønsker å vise svakheter og mangler ved eksisterende empatibegrep i medisinen gjennom en filosofisk analyse og kritikk av empatibegrep i medisinen. Etter å ha studert de mest sentrale deler av den medisinske empatidiskursen, er prosjektleders be kymring at de mest sentrale bidragene til...

Awarded: NOK 1.7 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2010

Location: Oslo