0 projects


Grunnbevilgning - NERSC


Awarded: NOK 21.8 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2026

Location: Vestland

INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

Partnership for Education and Cooperation in Operational Oceanography

PECO2 prosjektet bygger på marine tjenesteutvikling og har som mål å styrke utdanning, trening koordinering og videreutvikling av operasjonell oseanografi og marine tjenester gjennom strategisk internasjonalt nettverk og partnerskap. Prosjektet er dermed godt forankret og kompatibelt med både IN...

Awarded: NOK 3.4 mill.

Project Period: 2020-2024

Location: Vestland

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

Tools for Optimizing Performance of VOYages at Sea

TOPVOYS prosjektet har som mål å forbedre og styrke: (i) innhenting, prosessering og analyse av nær sanntids satellittdata for bestemmelse av overflatestrøm, overflatetemperatur, bølger og deres vekselvirkninger; (ii) operasjonell bruk av sensor synergy og visualiserings-platform; (iii) bidra til...

Awarded: NOK 4.7 mill.

Project Period: 2018-2022

Location: Vestland

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

Upper ocean circulation from the Sentinel and Earth Explorer satellites - sensor synergy for advanced knowledge and understanding

Prosjektet har benyttet nye høy-oppløselige satellittmålinger til å studere havsirkulasjonen i det nordiske hav. Denne sirkulasjonen er forbundet med transport av varmt og salt atlantisk vann mot det arktiske hav og er en nøkkelkomponent i opprettholdelsen av det relativt milde klimaet i nordvest...

Awarded: NOK 4.8 mill.

Project Period: 2016-2020

Location: Vestland

SANCOOP-South Africa - Norway research co-operation on climate, the environment og clean energy

Seasonal to decadal Changes Affecting Marine Productivity: an Interdisciplinary investigation

Målet med det tverrfaglige SCAMPI prosjektet har vært å identifisere og analysere mønstre i dekade-variabilitet i det marine miljø og økosystem rundt det sørlige Afrika. Til dette er i-havet målinger og satellitt observasjoner benyttet sammen med analyse verktøy og simuleringsmodeller. Simulering...

Awarded: NOK 1.4 mill.

Project Period: 2014-2017

Location: Vestland

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

GOCE studies of mean dynamic topography and ocean circulation in the high latitude and Arctic Ocean (GOCE-MDT).

Den nye geoiden fra GOCE satellitten har gitt forbedrete muligheter til å studere sammenhengen mellom den midlere dynamiske havhøyde og strømsystemene i de Nordiske Hav og Polhavet. Sammen med direkte målinger i havet har dette gitt sikrere estimat av nordgående varmetransport og videre styrket m...

Awarded: NOK 2.9 mill.

Project Period: 2012-2015

Location: Vestland


Grunnbevilgning - NERSC


Awarded: NOK 79.5 mill.

Project Period: 2012-2022

Location: Vestland

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

Investigation of Arctic rivers runoff, spread and role in global carbon cycle using the Earth Explorer - SMOS

CO2 is the major anthropogenic forcing factor for climate change. Marine CO2 sink depends on CO2 concentration which, in turn is strongly dependent upon the input of organic carbon from land with river discharge. Dissolved fraction of organic carbon (DOC) in riverine waters spreads over vast oce...

Awarded: NOK 0.30 mill.

Project Period: 2011-2011

Location: Vestland

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

Backscatter and Doppler Velocities from Ocean Surface Currents and Sea Ice in Synthetic Aperture Radar

A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) emits and records long wave electromagnetic signals, using a side looking configuration and the motion relative to the Earth surface to obtain high resolution images. It has recently been demonstrated by Chapron et al. (20 03, 2005) and Johannessen et al. (2008) t...

Awarded: NOK 0.83 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2011

Location: Vestland

FORINFRA-Nasj.sats. forskn.infrastrukt

Norwegian Satellite Earth Observation Database for Marine and Polar Research

The NORMAP research infrastructure targets availability of essential satellite based Earth Observations (EO) information products covering the high latitudes and Arctic regions, compliant with the Norwegian High North strategy emphasising the need for knowledge-based management of the Arctic regi...

Awarded: NOK 25.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2016

Location: Vestland

KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Arctic Ocean Sea-ice and Ocean Circulation Changes Using Satellite Methods - SATICE

Over intra- and inter-annual time scales, the mean dynamic topography (MDT) variability in the Arctic Ocean largely results from changes in large-scale ocean circulation patterns both within the Arctic as well as from adjacent seas such as the North Atlan tic and the Nordic Seas [Forsberg et al.,...

Awarded: NOK 1.5 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Vestland

FRIMUF-Miljø- og utviklingsforskning

Satellite-derived estimates of marine primary productivity in the North Atlantic

At the heart of biological pump, which plays an important role in the removal of carbon into the ocean interior, is primary productivity. There are still many unknowns about the relationships between marine primary producers and their surrounding physical environment. This project is planned to ...

Awarded: NOK 0.69 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2008

Location: Vestland

FRINAT-Matematikk og naturvitenskap

Synthetic Aperture Radar for ocean current feature retrievals and surface velocity estimates

Estimating currents from SAR imagery is still research-dominated. Most of the work has been in development of improved forward radar imaging models to predict the SAR signatures of regions with changing oceanic currents. In the latest radar imaging model (RIM) by Kudryavtsev et al., (2005) deta...

Awarded: NOK 2.3 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2010

Location: Vestland

SAM-EU-Samfinansiering EU-kontoret

BOSS4GMES Building Operational Sustainable Services for GMES


Awarded: NOK 1.4 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2012

Location: Vestland

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)



Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Vestland

SAM-EU-Samfinansiering EU-kontoret

MERSEA - Marine EnviRonment and Security in the European Area (IP)


Awarded: NOK 4.4 mill.

Project Period: 2004-2011

Location: Vestland

OVERVÅK-Overvåkn.av marine/terrestr.s.

Monitoring the Norwegian Coastal Zone Environment (MONCOZE)

Currently major deficiencies exist in our ability to understand and describe the variability of the Norwegian Coastal Current and its influence on the marine environment, locally as well as downstream. In this project we will therefore implement, validate , test and demonstrate a system dedicated...

Awarded: NOK 9.9 mill.

Project Period: 2001-2005

Location: Vestland