0 projects

MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater

Topfinancing - WHeelchair Activity Monitoring project (WHAM)

Prosjektet «Wheelchair Activity Monitoring» (WHAM) sikter både på å øke fysisk aktivitet blant rullestolbrukere, og på å bidra til bredere mål om mangfold og inkludering av personer med nedsatt mobilitet, ved å fremme større tilgjengelighet og deltakelse gjennom innovativ teknologi og forskning. ...

Awarded: NOK 0.93 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2028

Location: Ukjent Fylke

MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater

Saving the reefs: Identifying molecular and environmental factors underlying broadcast spawning in A.millepora

Broadcast spawning is a method of reproduction used by many species of coral, where the corals release their gametes in a perfectly timed manner over large distances to maximise fertilisation. The timing and molecular mechanism behind this extraordinary event, is not currently understood. Coral b...

Awarded: NOK 0.45 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Oslo

MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater


The HEAT4ENERGY project is in the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network within the Horizon Europe programme of the European Commission. The project is focused on the development of thermomagnetic devices and new materials to harvest heat from e.g. data centres, the food...

Awarded: NOK 0.57 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Ukjent Fylke

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Collaboration On Nature-based solutions Performance Assessment

The implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) is envisioned as a key step toward building more resilient and sustainable cities, because of the multiple benefits NBS can provide (e.g., urban flood, heat and drought mitigation, biodiversity restoration, recreation, etc.). Recent research both...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2026

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

KVINNEHELSE-Kvinners helse og kjønnsperspektiver

Explaining the gender difference in sickness absence and testing the efficacy of a clinical intervention to promote return to work in women

Norske kvinner har den høyeste sykefraværsraten av alle OECD-landene, til tross for god befolkningshelse. Kjønnsforskjellen i sykefravær er relativt høyere i Norge (ca. 70% høyere hos kvinner enn hos menn) enn i andre OECD-land (cirka 50% høyere). Denne kjønnsforskjellen i sykefravær er en stor...

Awarded: NOK 11.0 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2030

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Unraveling the effects of biotic interactions on snow algae behaviour

In polar regions and high-altitude mountain ranges, snow algae blooms develop during summer and form colorful surfaces in melting snow. Snow algae not only contribute to primary production and carbon dioxide absorption in snow ecosystems, but these blooms also darken the snow surface, increasing ...

Awarded: NOK 70,000

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Sustainability Wine Labelling: A French – Norwegian Scientific Cooperation

The backdrop for our collaboration is rooted in the historical and current landscape of the natural wine industry. The resurgence in popularity of natural wines, tracing back to its modern beginnings in France in the 1950s (Vigneron, 2022) and the subsequent boom after Isabelle Legeron's Raw Wine...

Awarded: NOK 40,000

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Oslo

MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater

Topfinancing MSCA Melomanes

MSCA Melomanes is an acronym for "Combination therapy for the treatment of metastatic melanoma using magnetic nanoparticles". My role in the project is to investigate and evaluate the multiscale biological effects of nanoparticle-induced hyperthermia treatment on melanoma tumor microenvironments,...

Awarded: NOK 0.58 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2026

Location: Ukjent Fylke

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

POlymer architected structures for Traffic ENergy absorbers in Transport InfrastructuraAL systems

Every year, road traffic accidents claim 1.35 million lives and cost countries 3% of their GDP, making them a grave concern worldwide. Norway, in its 2022-2033 National Transport Plan, prioritizes Vision Zero for road safety. Among accident types, run-out-off road crashes contribute significantly...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Norwegian-French collaboration in nanofluid heat transfer

This collaborative effort will boost several projects in the field of nanofluid heat transfer that are currently on in Norway and France. This research direction has been prevalent in the past two decades due to the simplicity of nanofluid production. However, from research literature and user ex...

Awarded: NOK 60,000

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Vestland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Exchange and Collaboration for Paleo Ice Sheet Integration

Together with our partners in France, we aim to build an modeling infrastructure that can consistently simulate the Greenland ice sheet over the entire glacial cycle and validate the results using the best available reconstructions. This can greatly improve our understanding of ice sheet stabilit...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Vestland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Ionospheric monitoring of tsunamis from low-earth orbit satellites

We propose a two-year project that facilitates the interaction and development of a collaboration between NGI and OCA scientists. Our team brings together expertise in tsunami hazard modeling, as well as tsunami source modeling. The team proposes to develop a methodology to remotely sense tsunami...

Awarded: NOK 80,000

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Extending Tractability Bounds: Logic and Structure for Algorithms

The project aims to establish long-term scientific cooperation in Theoretical Computer Science between the Algorithms Research Group of the Department of Informatics of the University of Bergen (UiB) and the Algorithms, Graphs and Combinatorics (AlGCo) team of LIRMM (Laboratory of Computer Scienc...

Awarded: NOK 80,000

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Vestland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Business and Society in Challenging Spaces: The Role of ESG in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

This project formalizes an institutional collaboration between SUM (University of Oslo) and KEDGE, two leading European spaces for research on the changing role of the private sector in society. This multi-disciplinary engagement will take the initial form of four exchange visits, two by SUM rese...

Awarded: NOK 80,000

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Gender equality through sustainable work life for leaders and coaches in sport

This collaborative and cross-cultural project responds to the European Union initiatives and the International Olympic Comitees objective for increasing gender equality in sport. Worldwide, women in top leadership positions in sports is reported to be 8.4–20% for coaches and 10-30% for leaders. E...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

DASGEO: Artificial Intelligence investigation of Geo-mass movements using Distributed Acoustic Sensing

In a recent study, researchers from NORSAR and ITES - University of Strasbourg worked on how to use machine learning to deal with big data coming from DAS-based geological monitoring. This study was led by joint master’s student M. Donnadille was focusing on the use of machine learning to learn h...

Awarded: NOK 39,000

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Akershus

FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

Snow D-excess OriGin Study

Vann husker klimaforholdene på sin vei gjennom vannsyklusen, og når vann fryser til snø og is, blir denne informasjonen bevart gjennom tidene. Så enhver snø- og isprøve har en klimahistorie å fortelle, og forskere lærer å knytte det kjemiske signalet i vannet til det tilsvarende klimasignalet. Sn...

Awarded: NOK 4.3 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2026

Location: Vestland

MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater

Barents Sea Arctic Cenozoic Evolution and Paleogeographical Reconstructions

BRAVO (Barents Sea Arctic Cenozoic Evolution and Paleogeographical Reconstructions) aims to reconstruct the Barents Sea Gateway since the Cenozoic (the last 66 Myr). To do so, BRAVO’s objectives are to 1) reveal the effect of sediment loading–unloading, lithospheric strength, and surface-mantle ...

Awarded: NOK 0.72 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Ukjent Fylke

MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater

MSCA Melomanes Topfinancing

My PhD project is titled Chemical Multifunctionalization of Iron Carbide Nanoparticles and Assessment of Their Enzymatic Biodegradability. I am working at Institut de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire (IBMC) at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) with Cécilia Ménard-Moyon as ...

Awarded: NOK 0.54 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2026

Location: Ukjent Fylke

MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater

TimeWorks Toppfinansiering

My project "TimeWorks" studies the temporality of work in British and American modernist fiction, focusing on representations of the work of the writer.

Awarded: NOK 0.45 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Ukjent Fylke

FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

SerpRateAI: The rate and mechanisms of active serpentinization of peridotites from the Semail ophiolite, Oman

Klimaendringer har varige effekter som å endre havets surhet, temperaturer og høyde. Klimaendringene kan også øke sjansene for naturskader som skogbranner og orkaner, og føre til at vannkilder fra isbreer og snø forsvinner. Karbondioksid (CO2) produsert av mennesker er en primær bidragsyter til ...

Awarded: NOK 4.3 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2026

Location: Oslo

GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksin.forskn

Implementing a life course approach in antenatal and postnatal care settings for prevention and reduction of non-communicable disease risks

De siste tiårene har vi på globalt nivå sett en kraftig økning i ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (non-communicable diseases = NCDs), først og fremst diabetes, hjerte- og karsykdommer, kreft, luftveissykdommer, og psykiske lidelser. NCDs er en stor utfordring for personen som bli syk, men også for helse...

Awarded: NOK 10.0 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2028

Location: Oslo

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

Privacy-aware Edge and Data Subjects

Mens vi surfer på Internett, installerer en app på telefonen vår eller setter opp en ny enhet, blir vi ofte bedt om å samtykke til personvernregler eller vilkår for tjenesteavtaler. Disse er ofte lange og inneholder teknisk og juridisk sjargong, noe som gjør dem vanskelige å lese og forstå. De fl...

Awarded: NOK 12.0 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2027

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

Deconvoluting disease-associated genetic variants in noncoding RNA genes using functional genomics

Sekvensering av det menneskelige genomet i 2001 ble hyllet som en av de viktigste oppnåelsene for menneskeheten. Det muliggjorde for forskere å identifisere funksjoner til gener og relatere gener med sykdommer. Dette har ført til livreddende medisiner og dermed behandlingsmuligheter for en rekke ...

Awarded: NOK 4.3 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2027

Location: Oslo

MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater


Søknad om toppfinansiering for MSCA PF-prosjektet ComAge.

Awarded: NOK 0.78 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2027

Location: Ukjent Fylke

SFF-Sentre for fremragende forskn

BCEPS (Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health)

Tøffe prioriteringer er uunngåelig i alle lands helsetjenester. Disse valgene skaper vinnere og tapere, selv om budsjettene gradvis øker. Bør lavinntektsland gir høyere prioritet til å forebygge og behandle hjerte-kar sykdommer og kreft dersom det gir mindre ressurser til mødre- og barnehelse? Bø...

Awarded: NOK 155.0 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2033

Location: Vestland

FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

EUI - 1. og 2. halvdel av det 4 år. Governmentality and Governance: Analysing the link between the assertation of power and its rationale


Awarded: NOK 0.27 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2024

Location: Ukjent Fylke

GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksin.forskn

Reducing alcohol use among adolescents through a community-based, multicomponent intervention: an implementation research approach

Alkoholforbruk er en av flere årsaker til ikke-smittsomme sykdommer som blant annet hjerte- og karsykdommer, diabetes og rusforstyrrelser og flere typer kreft. Ifølge Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO) regnes skadelig bruk av alkohol som en av de fire viktigste risikofaktorene ansvarlig for den verd...

Awarded: NOK 8.4 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2027

Location: Østfold

GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksin.forskn

PRESHA Project - PREventing Severe Hypertensive Adverse events in pregnancy and childbirth

Globalt dør 76 000 kvinner og 500 000 spedbarn hvert år på grunn av svangerskapsforgiftning. Tidlig identifisering av kvinner i risikosonen og iverksettelse av forebygging og behandling vil i stor grad redusere mortalitet og morbiditet, en kjerneprioritet i Bærekraftsmålene. Det finnes globale re...

Awarded: NOK 12.0 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2028

Location: Oslo


GOSOUTH - Polar research sabbatical from Longyearbyen, Svalbard to Bremen, Germany

I plan to spend one year (August 2023 to July 2024) on sabbatical at the Geodynamics of the Polar Regions (GEOPOL; https://www.geopol.uni-bremen.de/) at the University of Bremen, being invited by the group leader Prof. Dr. Cornelia Spiegel-Behnke. The overall aim of the research stay is to provid...

Awarded: NOK 0.44 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2024

Location: Svalbard