0 projects

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

NSF-European Materials Cooperative Activity. "Nanostructured oxide thin films for organic/inorganic solar cell applications"

The advancement of renewable energy technology has become increasingly critical to meet growing worldwide energy needs while minimizing greenhouse gas release. Although the field of photovoltaics has continually evolved over the last decades, researchers are looking beyond current device designs ...

Awarded: NOK 5.6 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Resource Optimization and recovery in the MAterials industry

One objective in ROMA is to recover as much heat as possible from off-gases from Al-industry. A technology for electricity production from low temperature waste has been developed and tested in a test rig developed in the project. The results are promisin g, but with some challenges. Larger pilot...

Awarded: NOK 29.9 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Sustainable Aluminium Surface Applications


Awarded: NOK 11.9 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

AT-ONE: Developing a method for service design

The AT-ONE project will further develop the AT-ONE method and create a centre of competence within the area of service design. AT-ONE is a practitioner-based method for service-design, aimed at the early stages of concept development and developed from c ommercial experience. In this project we ...

Awarded: NOK 7.2 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2010

Location: Oslo

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Defect engineering for crystalline silicon solar cells

This project is a collaboration between solar cell research groups at IFE, SINTEF and NTNU, and the three industrial partners Elkem Solar, REC and REC Wafer. The main objective is to build up a thorough fundamental understanding of defects in crystallin e silicon (Si) materials in order to redu...

Awarded: NOK 29.5 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Akershus

NEVRONOR-Nasjonal satsing på nevrovitenskap f

Combining electrophysiological recording and imaging in investigations of the rod pathway of the retina

The retina serves as an ideal model system for investigations that aim to bridge the gap between systems level descriptions and underlying mechanisms at cellular and molecular levels. The principal objective is to understand, at a molecular and microphysi ological level, the integrative dynamics ...

Awarded: NOK 2.4 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2010

Location: Vestland

PENGESPILL-Kunnsk.gr.lag pengespill-probl

Learning mechanisms in pathological gambling

Project1 consists of three experiments (all involve a sequence of 25 single games on a modified slot machine). The dependent variables will all be the same for every experiment (heart rate and heart rate variability, self-reported mood and gambling urge). In the first experiment, 100 subjects wi...

Awarded: NOK 4.6 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Vestland

NANO2021-Nanoteknologi, nanovitenskap, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer

Thermoelectric materials; synthesis, electronic structure, functionality

Thermoelectric cooling and generation of electricity have many attractive ffeatures compared with other methods of cooling and electric power generation, such as long life, no moving parts, no emission of toxic gases, low maintenance and high reliability. The major challenge is to develop stable...

Awarded: NOK 8.0 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Oslo

KLINISK-Klinisk forskning

Spontaneous firing activity in motoneurones of cervical paraspinal musculature in healthy subjects and in patients with neck pain

I prosjektet "Spontan elektrisk aktivitet i nerveceller til nakkemuskler hos friske frivillige og nakkesmertepasienter" forsøker vi å forstå mer av årsakene til nakkesmerter, ved å studere hvordan nerveceller i ryggmargen styrer nakkemusklene i ro og ved bevegelser. Vi ønsker å finne ut om disse...

Awarded: NOK 4.3 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2014

Location: Oslo

KLINISK-Klinisk forskning

Genetic susceptibility and development of chronic sciatic pain - possible implications for future treatment

Previous findings suggest that development of chronic sciatic pain results from multiple functional changes in the peripheral and central nervous system. As described in this grant proposal, several recently described human genetic variants may affect suc h processes. Hence, individual genetic su...

Awarded: NOK 1.8 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2010

Location: Oslo

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

Governance of the precautionary principle and the nano-consumer: A comparison of ethical aspects in nano-products in Norway and the UK

The theme of this proposal is the increasing marketing of nano-products in the consumer market. In late November 2006 The Wilson Centre have identified more than 356 products in the consumer market up from 212 in March 2006. Most common are textiles, sp ort equipments, cosmetics and information...

Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2009

Location: Oslo

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

Uptake and toxicity of quantum dots in cancer cells

Most of the work on quantum dots has so far been focused on their production and fluorescence imaging. The possibility to use quantum dots as photosensitizers remains unexplored: Can these nanoparticles generate reactive oxygen species in biological envir onments? Such a potential of quantum dots...

Awarded: NOK 5.6 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2011

Location: Oslo

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

Nanostructured biomaterials for improved vascularization in tissue engineering

Understanding the interactions between cells and materials is of fundamental importance for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. An ideal scaffold should mimic the natural tissue microenvironment, directing cells to organize into a functional mul ticellular architecture by presenting the...

Awarded: NOK 6.2 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2010

Location: Vestland

HUM-Fagkomiteen for humaniora

EUROCORES - From Systems to Complexes. Coping with Security and Efficiency in European Electricity Networks (EUROCRIT)


Awarded: NOK 0.64 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2011

Location: Oslo

SAMRISK-Samfunnssikkerhet og risiki

Humanitarian Logistics Networks

International humanitarian aid is complex in nature, connecting several different sectors, actors and spheres of activity. Logistics is crucial in preparing for and responding to unwanted events, encompassing purchasing, transport and storing of food, wat er, shelter, energy, etc. A literature re...

Awarded: NOK 2.7 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2011

Location: Oslo

MATPROG-Matprogrammet: Norsk mat fra sjø og land

CORE Organic 1881 iPOPY, Innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth

Innovatiove Public Organic food Procurement for Youth(iPOPY) will contribute to an increased interaction between the organic food sector and public procurement of food, especially for young people. Increased consumption of organic food may positively effe ct people's health status, and most EU co...

Awarded: NOK 4.6 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2010

Location: Akershus

ETIKKFU-Etikk - forskerutdanning

Videreføring av Nasjonalt etikknettverk - den nasjonale knutepunktsfunksjonen for forskerutdanning og forskning i etikk


Awarded: NOK 3.1 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2011

Location: Oslo

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Manufuture Norge H2020

Manufuture 2020 er etablert både som en teknologisk plattform for EUs 7. rammeprogram (7FP) og som en visjon for en Strategisk F&U agenda. Dette for å styrke Europeisk vareproduserende industri til å bli mer kunnskapsbasert. Lykkes denne satsingen vil eur opeiske vareproduserende industri bli i s...

Awarded: NOK 1.6 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2014

Location: Innlandet

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosjektstøtte for medisin, helse og biologi

Medication assisted rehabilitation and crime; how do MMT affect crime rates and patterns?

It is still not known fully to which extent MMT offers crime reduction as a mean of harm reduction for heroin addicts in Norway. New knowledge of crime reduction patterns based on cross-registry studies and in-dept studies on crime patterns will give impo rtant new knowledge for program planners ...

Awarded: NOK 2.7 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Oslo

NORKLIMA-Klimaendringer og konsekvenser for Norge

Arctic and sub-Arctic climate system and ecological response to the early 20th century warming - ARCWARM

This proposal will examine the climate changes, and the causes and ecological impacts of these changes in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions in the 20th century with focus on the early warming and cooling event (1920-1960). Time series of various climate p arameters and biological data including p...

Awarded: NOK 12.5 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Vestland

DEMOSREG-Demokrati, styring og regional

Demokratisk styring i et flernivåsystem: Lokal oppfølging av nasjonal politikk i Norge

Demokratiet i en desentralisert nasjonalstat utspiller seg på flere nivåer; statlig, regionalt og kommunalt. I et slikt flernivå-demokrati oppstår spenninger mellom behovet for effektiv nasjonal styring og lokalpolitisk handlefrihet. På den ene siden er d esentralisering til lokal forvaltning men...

Awarded: NOK 5.0 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Oslo

DEMOSREG-Demokrati, styring og regional

Statlig styring og lokal iverksetting for en bærekraftig utvikling: En sammenligning av statlige incentiver for en kommunal klimapolitikk.

Hovedproblemstillingen er hvordan den statlige styringsformen påvirker valg av klima- og energistrategi på lokalt nivå. Prosjektet vil sammenlikne statlige virkemidler rettet mot kommunene med det formål å vurdere hvordan ulike former for statlig styring av det kommunale og regionale nivået påvir...

Awarded: NOK 2.7 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2010

Location: Oslo


How the environment affords physical activity in adolescents

Guidelines for physical activity address the importance of spatial and structural aspects of the environment to increase physical activity. Young people are a target group for action as their physical activity levels are decreasing with age, more in girls than in boys. Yet, we lack studies that ...

Awarded: NOK 2.8 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2011

Location: Akershus

VAM-Velferd, arbeidsliv og migrasjon

Snakk med oss - Barnevern og barns deltakelse

Målet med prosjektet er å skaffe kunnskap om utvikling av profesjonell handlingskompetanse som bidrar til barns deltakelse i barnevernet. Det legges spesiell vekt på utforskende samtaler med barn. Sentrale problemstillinger er å utforske muligheter og å k artlegge hindringer for mer inkluderende ...

Awarded: NOK 1.5 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2010

Location: Oslo


Energy Balance and Breast Cancer Aspects. A randomised clinical trial with physical activity interventio

Breast cancer requires intense and prolonged treatments often associated with significant side effects, also influencing their levels of physical activity after diagnosis. New evidence from large cohort studies supports a role of physical activity in redu cing recurrence and improving survival. A...

Awarded: NOK 2.6 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2011

Location: Oslo

TJENESTER-Helse- og omsorgstjenester


The intervention element in this study is the electronic medical record- and quality system tested in a period of one year. This system has been developed through the project "Geriatric Basis Dataset - development, implementation and testing", supported b y "Kvalitetssikringsfond "? and described...

Awarded: NOK 4.5 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


The Second Home Phenomenon and New Rural Conflicts Implications for Policies for a Rural 'Part-Time' Repopulation, dr.gr.stip.

The project is organised into four work packages, each focusing on one of the research questions outlined above: WP1: Second-home sprawl: Using quantitative data, this unit will describe the general features of contemporary development of the second-hom e phenomenon in rural Norway, with partic...

Awarded: NOK 4.0 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

HAVKYST-Havet og kysten

Harvesting at lower trophic levels - stock assessment and ecological consequences

The demand for feed to the aquaculture industry has shown a strong increase over the last years in parallel with the increase in total production within the industry. Estimated growth in the fish farming industry is supposed to cause a permanent shortage of marine oils within a few years, and of ...

Awarded: NOK 11.3 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Vestland

SFF-Sentre for fremragende forskning

Centre for Geobiology, CGB Deep Seafloor, Deep Biosphere & Roots of Life

The Centre for Geobiology (CGB), was established in 2007 as a Centre of Excellence (CoE) with funding from the Research Council of Norway?s (RCN?s) second CoE funding call. According to its original application, CGB?s goals were to - establish a new interdisciplinary field - Geobiology - at t...

Awarded: NOK 103.1 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2017

Location: Vestland

MILJØ2015-Norsk miljøforskning mot 2015

FORURENS: Reduced pesticide loads and risks in cropping system

Sustainable agriculture requires that soil, water and air quality are maintained. Pesticides have routinely been found in surface waters receiving agricultural runoff, particularly after heavy autumn/spring rainfall. There are practical ways to ensure tha t risks to the environment are minimized ...

Awarded: NOK 6.2 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2011

Location: Akershus