0 projects

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Enhancing resilience in a changing climate through comprehensive urban flood design

ECCO har som mål å styrke vår forståelse og tilpasning til vannrelaterte farer i urbane områder i den nordisk-baltiske regionen, med et spesifikt fokus på flom. Prosjektet har en omfattende tilnærming ved å kartlegge nedbørekstremer over hele regionen, vurdere ulike faktorer som kan forsterke fl...

Awarded: NOK 4.6 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Oslo

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Ultra-sensitive optical sensor system for simultaneous, in-situ detection of multiple pesticides in surface and ground waters

I nyere tid har klimaet vårt gjennomgått betydelige endringer, noe som fører til ekstreme værforhold som flom og tørke. Dessverre kan disse hendelsene igjen føre til en økning av plantevernmidler i våre vannsystemer, som utgjør potensielle farer for ulike aspekter av vårt miljø og økonomi. De eks...

Awarded: NOK 4.6 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

GINAMO: Genetic Indicators for Nature Monitoring

Kontekst: Genetisk mangfold er grunnlaget for biologisk mangfold og avgjørende for langsiktig overlevelse, tilpasning og motstandsdyktighet for bestander, arter og økosystemer. Mens genetisk mangfold lenge har blitt neglisjert i politikk og forvaltning av biologisk mangfold, inkluderer den nåvære...

Awarded: NOK 2.9 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

The transition from ductile to brittle deformation in pre-Devonian basement of the Billefjorden Fault Zone, Svalbard (RiS: 12317)

The Billefjorden Fault Zone (BFZ) is a N-S striking regional-scale long-lived lineament cropping out in central Spitsbergen. This lineament exposes multi-deformational evolution that initiated with ductile deformation preserved in the metamorphic basement. Following several phases of brittle def...

Awarded: NOK 0.12 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

DyNAflow: Colonisation dynamics of Arctic endemics across glacial landscapes

Warming in the Arctic is causing glacial retreat, which exposes deglaciated terrains to biotic colonisation. Ecological studies can provide insights into the local processes (microclimate, biotic interactions) driving the development of soil communities after glacier retreat. However, community d...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

The importance of observation error in reindeer population modelling (RiS ID 12376)

My project explores the intricate dynamics of Svalbard reindeer (R. t. platyrhynchus) populations in response to rapid climate change. Through fieldwork, including paired observations of various populations based in Reindalen, Adventdalen, and Ny-Ålesund, I aim to investigate the nuanced impacts ...

Awarded: NOK 45,913

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Bryophyte diversity as a driver of ecosystem functions and processes in a changing tundra, attached to the ITEX experiment, RiS ID: 10030

Studying bryophyte diversity in the high Arctic, like Svalbard, is vital due to their resilience in extreme conditions. Mosses are pioneers in colonizing newly exposed areas, offering insight into ecosystem health. They act as carbon sinks and regulate the hydrological cycle, which is crucial for...

Awarded: NOK 70,999

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Svalbard

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

RESources in Coastal groundwater Under hydroclimatic Extremes (RESCUE)

Det er flere kilder til ferskvann: nedbør, innsjøer, elver, snø, permafrost, vanndamp, grunt grunnvann og dype grunnvannsakviferer, for å nevne noen. Det er også ferskvannsressurser under havbunnen, kjent som offshore-akviferer (se figuren til høyre). Nyere forskning anslår at volumet av vann i a...

Awarded: NOK 3.5 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Oslo

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Towards a Transnational Acoustic Biodiversity MOnitoring Network

Prosjektet "Towards a Transnational Acoustic Biodiversity Monitoring Network (TABMON)" er et banebrytende initiativ for å forbedre biodiversitetsovervåkingen i Europa. Det benytter innovativ autonom akustisk sensingsteknologi for å observere og analysere biodiversitet, spesielt med fokus på fugle...

Awarded: NOK 3.2 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2026

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Extraction and Aesthetics: Considering the past, present and future of mining on a local scale

Bakgrunn: I januar 2023 ble NorWhite en global snakkis. Fox News, New York Post og andre verdensledende medier fremstilte NorWhite-prosjektet både upresist og dels feilaktig. I norske medier oppsto en metadebatt om forskning og ideologi. Gjennom denne mediedekningen ble det tydelig for NorWhite-t...

Awarded: NOK 0.15 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Vestland

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

LAWALU - Towards Successful Laser Welding of Aluminium

Aluminiumlegeringer er en viktig gruppe metalliske legeringer for moderne industri. Norge som en av de største aluminiumsprodusentene i Europa bør utvide sin anvendelse gjennom innovative produksjonsprosesser som avansert laserbasert sveising. Laserbasert sveising er en raskt voksende sammenføyni...

Awarded: NOK 10.0 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Vestland

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Space use by marine mammals in Svalbard and potential dietary changes due to climate change.

Investigating behaviour of high trophic predators is a fundemental part to understand the ecosystem as they function as a key component through top-down effect. Harbour seal (Phoca vitulina), one of a high trophic predators in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard is experiencing dramatic environmental changes ...

Awarded: NOK 0.12 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Shallow marine prokaryote ecosystems in the Boreal Ocean during the Permo-Triassic climate crisis and their recovery (RiS ID: 12307)

Lipid biomarker samples will be collected to reconstruct the microbial community and environmental conditions during the Late Permian mass extinction and in its aftermath with a focus on the recovery of the microbial ecosystem. The samples will complement the existing biomarker record that is con...

Awarded: NOK 0.12 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

The Heer Land overabundance of Thermal-switch surges

Glaciers around the world are losing mass at an accelerated rate (Hugonnet et al., 2021), and Svalbard experiences this even faster than the global average, largely due to its strong interaction with warm Atlantic ocean currents (Piechura and Walczowski, 2009). The latest IPCC reports present mod...

Awarded: NOK 0.11 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Snowdrift at the solar park of Isfjord Radio, RiS ID 12308

The adaptation of renewable energy in the Arctic requires knowledge of the Arctic climate's influence on energy installations such as solar panels. Therefore, snowdrift is investigated at the recently installed solar photovoltaic array at Isfjord Radio. For this, observations from a weather stati...

Awarded: NOK 54,784

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Spatio-temporal habitat use of Svalbard reindeer (RiS ID 12152)

Forståelsen av Svalbardreinens Habitat: Klimaendringer og Vår Forskning Introduksjon Arktis er et av de mest skjøre miljøene på jorden, og det opplever raske endringer på grunn av klimaendringer. Svalbard, en øygruppe i Arktis, varmes opp raskere enn nesten noe annet sted. Dette gjør det til et v...

Awarded: NOK 0.11 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Studies of environmental pollutants in wetland areas and water ponds on the Arctic tundra

The main goal for this project is to continue our study further the role of birds in transporting pollutants to and within the Arctic area, and to bring new knowledge especially linked to potential transport between the marine and terrestrial system including wetlands and water ponds on the tundr...

Awarded: NOK 38,673

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Particulate matter in glacier fed rivers

The aim of this project is a extensive study of particulate matter released into the rivers from the glacier systems and entering the Kongsfjorden system in Ny-Ålesund. Both particulate matter and river water will be collected at the outlet from the glaciers main melting channel as well as in th...

Awarded: NOK 38,591

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging for Under-Ice Navigation, RiS ID 12349

Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging (UHI) is a groundbreaking innovation that expands our ability to capture a wide range of wavelengths beyond human perception. This technology offers a comprehensive view of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing us to identify and analyze subtle differences in the...

Awarded: NOK 0.12 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

The nutrient legacy of reindeer carrion in vegetation in the Arctic tundra of Svalbard, RiS ID:11512

Carcass legacy effects on soil chemistry and vegetation nutrient composition will help our understanding of how local ‘disturbances’ (i.e. carcass presence) scale to structuring and functioning of ecological communities at landscape levels. I will revisit carcasses of varying ages and collect abo...

Awarded: NOK 56,999

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Experimental assessment of light propagation in the snowpack, RiS ID 12344

Snowpack is a key component in the Arctic regions. The albedo of freshly fallen snow is typically very high in the visible range (up to 0.9), playing a crucial role in Earth's energy balance. Snow albedo can eventually be reduced upon aging of snow crystals due to metamorphism and to the increasi...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Insulate: Belowground Biotic Insulation of Permafrost (RiS ID 12331)

Within the overarching INSULATE initiative (RiS ID 12331), the "Belowground Biotic Insulation of Permafrost" project delves into the intricate dynamics of local soil properties, seeking to unravel their profound impact on permafrost stability. This focused research addresses crucial gaps in our ...

Awarded: NOK 70,999

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Svalbard

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Coupled urban-rural water infrastructure management under hydroclimatic extremes with decision support system.

Flom i byer og bynære områder har blitt et økende problem i mange deler av verden de senere tiårene. Pluvial flom, hovedsakelig utløst av intens og langvarig nedbør, utgjør i dag en betydelig samfunnsrisiko, særlig gjelder dette fordi det kombineres med tette overflater og begrenset kapasitet av ...

Awarded: NOK 3.5 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Oslo


Committed to the responsible development of meat replacement products and practices

Et redusert kjøttforbruk er en av de viktigste handlingene identifisert av norsk og internasjonal politikk for å redusere klimautslipp fra landbruket. En måte å sikre en slik overgang er kjøttalternativer, som plante- eller insektbaserte erstatninger, som har lavere klimapåvirkning, samt teknolog...

Awarded: NOK 2.3 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


4671 - Ge4FOW - Ferrite based power generator system for scaling of floating offshore wind turbines

World Wide Wind (norsk SMB) og Uppsala Universitet (UU) fra Sverige vil samarbeide om å utvikle en banebrytende generator for flytende havvind. «Ge4FOW» er en direktedrevet generator med unike egenskaper som benytter ferritt-baserte permanent magneter for å eliminere avhengigheten av uforutsigba...

Awarded: NOK 3.1 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2026

Location: Akershus

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Arctic marine mammals in a time of climate change: a Kongsfjorden Case Study. RiS ID: 11501

The fieldwork is a component of the NFR ARK (Arktisk Klima forandring Konsekvenser) project, which focuses on impacts of global warming on Arctic endemic marine mammals. The project is using a “case-study” approach based on the Kongsfjorden-Krossfjorden ecosystem, where the objective to examine h...

Awarded: NOK 89,221

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Linking past and present surge dynamics at Borebreen from drone surveys

Svalbard has a high density of surging glaciers – marine and terrestrial glaciers which undergo cyclical changes between fast (active) and slow (quiescence) flow. During the active phase, ice discharge accelerates and mass loss increases which significantly impacts glacier mass balance. However, ...

Awarded: NOK 79,999

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Akershus

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Geomorphology and process-interaction in previous and present climate as exemplified by Bjørndalen, Svalbard (RiS 12312)

This M.Sc. thesis project has a primary objective of mapping the geomorphology of Bjørndalen, Svalbard, to contribute to our understanding of this unique Arctic valley system. The research aims to characterize the long-term and short-term geomorphologic processes shaping the valley and analyze ho...

Awarded: NOK 52,672

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Chemical composition and conditions of cryoconite hole water and melting channels on glaciers with runoff to the Kongsfjorden System

Main objective of this project is a detailed analysis of snow and supraglacial meltwater, including potential alterations in the transition of supraglacial snow to water, as well as potential alterations in the transition of water in isolated to connected cryoconite holes to meltwater channels. C...

Awarded: NOK 27,364

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Microbial communities in ice over methane sources: a comparative study. RiS ID: 10341

The fieldwork is an integral part of my PhD project, which aims at understanding the microbiological role of the ice forming above Arctic emerged cold seeps in mitigating methane release. This fieldwork project includes sampling both terrestrial pingos in Svalbard (of which Lagoon Pingo, Adventda...

Awarded: NOK 64,999

Project Period: 2024-2024

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa