0 projects

PROFO-Forurensning – kilder, spredning og effekter

Time-dependent bioavailability and toxicity of pesticides to soil living organisms


Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2006

Location: Akershus


Course and neurobiology of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Parkinson's disease; and Intervention to prevent use of restraint and behaviour...


Awarded: NOK 9.5 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2008

Location: Rogaland

HAVBRUKS-Havbruk - en næring i vekst

Molecular mechanisms of viral disease in Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar L.)

This basic research programme, addressing molecular mechanisms of viral disease in Atlantic salmon, will draw on expertise from fish biology and successful salmon research programmes including the ISA disease and the salmon genome, to investigate viral di sease in marine species. The programme ai...

Awarded: NOK 19.5 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2009

Location: Oslo

FRIMUF-Miljø- og utviklingsforskning

Accomodating or amplifying difference? Federalism, ethnic groups and conflict in Ethiopia


Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2008

Location: Oslo

VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon

Fattigdommens dynamikk. Et forskningsprogram for inkluderende velferdspolitikk

Prosjektet grunngir behovet for en målrettet, strategisk forskning som vil gi viktige bidrag i den moderniseringsprosess som norsk politikk mot fattigdom og sosial eksklusjon står overfor. Ved egen satsing og midler fra Forskningsrådet vil Høgskolen etabl ere en Gruppe for Inkluderende Velferd. P...

Awarded: NOK 13.8 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2009

Location: Oslo

F-FYS-Naturvitenskap, fysikk

Collaboration between France and Norway on geologically relevant physical processes

This collaboration between four French and two Norwegian groups focuses on three aspects of soft condensed matter physics: (1) dynamics of granular media, (2) elastic properties of rough surfaces and (3) fracture dynamics. The collaboration has run for se veral years and is well established. It c...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

S-AFRIKA-Program for forskningsamarbeid med Sør- Afrika

Behaviour and management of two important estaurine fishery species


Awarded: NOK 0.53 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SIP-Strategiske instituttprogram

Regeneration for sustainable Forestry (RegFor)

Regeneration is one of the most fundamental processes in forest ecology and management. With decreasing current and expected stumpage prices investments in silviculture have dropped the last decade. The results have been insufficient regenerations which i n long term may lead to decreased forest ...

Awarded: NOK 9.9 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2006

Location: Akershus

TU-Tungt utstyr

Digitized Electronmicroscope Cluster


Awarded: NOK 0.72 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2004

Location: Oslo

SUPNBIO-SUP-NHD: Bioteknologi

Biological adaptions to extreme teperatures


Awarded: NOK 5.9 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2008

Location: Vestland

SAMF-Fagkomiteen for samfunnsvitenskap

Building a "Civic Culture" in the Post-Yugoslav Region - Phase 1: The Challenge in post-Tudjman Croatia - The Slovenian Example, the Tudjman


Awarded: NOK 2.8 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2007

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

BIOFYS-Fysiologiske og anatomiske fag

Standard atlas of the brain of a model insect

We are studying how olfactory and taste information is encoded in receptor and interneurones in the brain of insects and how learning of odours is realised via synapses of neurones connecting different brain compartments. As model organisms are used moths of the subfamily Heliothinae. The methods...

Awarded: NOK 0.75 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2006

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SUPNIKT-SUP-NHD: Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi

Advanced Sensors for Microsystems


Awarded: NOK 7.0 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2007

Location: Oslo

PROOF-Langtidsvirkn. av utslipp til

Crude oil pollution measured in discharged processed water flows using optical polarisation


Awarded: NOK 0.52 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2005

Location: Vestland

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

Material science and nanotechnology at the NMC-MRL; functional oxides and oxide-imbedded nanostructures


Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2007

Location: Oslo

HAVKYST-Havet og kysten

Validation of methods and data for Environmental Risk Assessment off-shore


Awarded: NOK 7.0 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2007

Location: Rogaland

SUPOENER-SUP-OED Energi-sektoren

Wind energy strategic program 2003-2007


Awarded: NOK 19.6 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2010

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

MILHEL-Miljø og helse

Particulate Pollution and Adult Respiratory Health. A Randomised Intervention Trial.


Awarded: NOK 1.00 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2005

Location: Vestland

SIPNKOMP-SIP-NHD: Andre nasjonalt viktige kompetansefelt

Stability of contaminated sediments


Awarded: NOK 9.0 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2008

Location: Oslo

SIPNKOMP-SIP-NHD: Andre nasjonalt viktige kompetansefelt

Climate 2000 - Impact of climate change on the built environment


Awarded: NOK 12.0 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2006

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SUPKUF-Strategiske univiversitetsprogrammer KUF

Strategic University Program (SUP) in Quantum Chemistry


Awarded: NOK 8.7 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2008

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

KOSK-Katalyse og organisk syntetisk kjemi

Carbocation mediated hydrocarbon reactions over acidic zeolite type catalysts

This programme covers a concentrated effort from SINTEF and UiO to study reaction mechanisms influenced by structural and chemical effects using acid zeolite type materials. Investigations of the methanol to hydrocarbon reactions (MTH) will be a central part of the programme with focus on the elu...

Awarded: NOK 0.60 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2004

Location: Oslo

SUPKUF-Strategiske univiversitetsprogrammer KUF

Complex systems and Soft Materials


Awarded: NOK 8.0 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2007

Location: Oslo

SUPKUF-Strategiske univiversitetsprogrammer KUF

New contexts for geometry and arithmetic


Awarded: NOK 12.5 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2006

Location: Oslo

SUP-NHD-Strategiske UoH-progr.fin.NHD

Strategic University Programme in Medical Technology at NTNU/SINTEF/St.Olav´s Hospital, Phase 2 (videref. av 129104/420 Phase 1) (131606/V50


Awarded: NOK 13.0 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2009

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

MATPROG-Matprogrammet: Norsk mat fra sjø og land

Minimal processed food ingredient or diet supplement from marine by-products

There is an emerging understanding of the significance of additional beneficial components from the non-lipid fraction of seafood. They may protect against CHD. Processing or preparation influence the biological availability, hence the possible effect of such molecules. Å minimal processed protei...

Awarded: NOK 1.7 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2007

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

PULS-Tjenesteyting, handel og logistikk

Creole - Internationalization of Knowledge Firms


Awarded: NOK 9.1 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2006

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

MENTAL-Mental helse

Psykobiologiske aspekter av magetarm lidelser.

Prosjektet ønsker å videreføre og utvide arbeidet om psykobiologiske aspekter av mage-tarm-lidelser, særlig ulcerøs kolitt. Prosjektet omfatter: 1. Drift av nettverket "PsyGutNet" 2. Drift til basal forskning om psykobiologiske aspekter av ulcerøs kolitt i dyremodeller. 3. Drift av k...

Awarded: NOK 0.90 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2004

Location: Vestland

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

TARGIT - ICI-1 (True Auroral Research by Ground-based and In-situ Techniques - Investigation of Cusp Irregularities)


Awarded: NOK 0.75 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2005

Location: Oslo

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Development of technologies for design of integrated power electronic converters


Awarded: NOK 5.3 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2009

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage