0 projects

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

PES2020 søknad mot Horizon 2020 CULT-COOP-07-2017 «Cultural heritage of European coastal and maritime regions»

...project concept and working title is «Experiental approach to...cultural heritage. Experience can be defined as a mental phenomenon that is determined by...can be produced and delivered as products in itself (as in tourist and culture industries)...

Awarded: NOK 69,999

Project Period: 2016-2017

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda


Feral sheep in coastal heaths - developing a sustainable local industry in vulnerable cultural landscapes, dr.gr.stip.

...sheep farming on the Norwegian west coast has a history...millennia. This important part of our cultural heritage has resulted in a distinct breed of...evolved in close interaction with the cre ation and maintenance of a unique semi-natural...

Awarded: NOK 8.0 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Akershus

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Heritage routes - new requirements for use of instruments and forms of collaboration in heritage management

...purpose of the project is to explore (1) how heritages and cultural environments can represent...cooperation that can ensure sustainable management. Recent shifts from top-down...to more collaborative approaches means that management issues are increasingly encompassed by...

Awarded: NOK 5.8 mill.

Project Period: 2015-2018

Location: Innlandet

JPICULTURE-JPI Cultural Heritage


...assessment of the impact of fundamental reforms in urban planning and governance on the historic...with significant implications for the cultural heritage and place identity. The cultural...be revealed, enhanced or exploited by planning and governance of urban development, or it can be...

Awarded: NOK 3.5 mill.

Project Period: 2015-2018

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

JPICULTURE-JPI Cultural Heritage

Biocultural Heritage in Arctic Cities: Resource for Climate Adaptation?

...project focuses on the relationship between climate change and biocultural heritage, a holistic...The primary objective of the project is to understand how traditional ecological knowledge...relationships that form the core of biocultural heritage can contribute to climate change...

Awarded: NOK 2.9 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Vestland

SIPNIKT-SIP-NHD: Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi

Next Generation of Image Analysis Methodology for Remote Sensing

...proposed SIP will be strongly linked to national and international collaboration...application areas 1) monitoring environment and climate, 2) natural resource mapping and...in Area 1 are related to 1a) monitoring climate change in the cryosphere, 1b) detection of...

Awarded: NOK 4.8 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2008

Location: Oslo

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

LAND: Archaeological Deposits in a Changing Climate. In Situ Preservation of Farm Mounds in Northern Norway.

...archaeological deposits are important sources in general and to the North Norwegian coastal...at the same place over a very long period and this has accumulated thick archaeological...earlier studies that the state of preservation in a number of farm mounds are excellent, with...

Awarded: NOK 4.5 mill.

Project Period: 2012-2016

Location: Oslo

MILJØ2015-Norsk miljøforskning mot 2015

LAND:Towards a new framework for the management of both cultural and natural heritage in upland Landscape Conservation Areas (LCA) in Norway

...inherent dynamism of upland landscapes challenges...of conservation and management measures against a backdrop of complex and changing...will develop an evidence-based framework to underpin the sustainable management of both...

Awarded: NOK 5.7 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Archaeological Coastal Heritage: Past, present and future of a hidden prehistoric legacy

...ArCHe trains 10 PhD fellows for increasing the scientific...value of Europe’s archaeological coastal heritage, focusing on the legacy of Stone Age...of human activity, this legacy is crucial for understanding human engagement with the coast. Yet...

Awarded: NOK 6.0 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Østfold og 3 andre

JPICULTURE-JPI Cultural Heritage

JPI Kulturarv - JPI CH Heritage Values Network

...proposed project will initiate a European, cross-disciplinary dialogue...values? through the conduct of three networking workshops in Eindhoven, Oslo and Barcelona...The term ?heritage values? refers to the meanings and values that individuals or groups of...

Awarded: NOK 0.37 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2017

Location: Oslo

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Etablering av søknad til REFLECTIVE-7-2014: Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets

...boundaries including hedges, stone walls or ditches are...of our common European heritage, representing perhaps the most important 'letters' in the...the cultural landscape. FIELDBOUND is about reading these lette rs, so as to be able to give clear...

Awarded: NOK 39,999

Project Period: 2014-2015

Location: Oslo

SIP-Strategiske instituttprogram

Processes of change in urban environments: cultural heritage, urban development and regionalisme

...developmental growth of cities and towns in the past...field. It is of vital importance that cultural heritage is analysed and included as assets...In order to fulfil this, knowledge about cultural heritage and its role in urban developmental...

Awarded: NOK 13.0 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Oslo

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Rural vitalization through various adaptations of cultural heritage and landscapes

...Cultural heritage policies in Norway have...a wider range of cultural sites, environments and landscapes, while strategies have shifted...is little research on the actual processes of using cultural heritage and their implications,...

Awarded: NOK 8.2 mill.

Project Period: 2021-2025

Location: Oslo

JPICULTURE-JPI Cultural Heritage

Co-creating cultural narratives for sustainable rural development

...seeks to understand the role of cultural heritage in shaping...challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the climate emergency and transitions required to meet...Goals (SDGs). This research will explore how cultural narratives are co-created, contested and...

Awarded: NOK 2.4 mill.

Project Period: 2021-2025

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosjektstøtte for matematikk, naturvitenskap og teknologi

Sustainable Management of heritage Buildings in a Long-term perspective

...partners: the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the Norwegian Institute for...Haber Institute of Polish Academy of Science and the Getty Conservation Institute, will launch...properties of real, aged historic materials in the laboratory, evaluate physical damage...

Awarded: NOK 8.0 mill.

Project Period: 2018-2022

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

NATURNAER-Natur og næring

Changing cultural landscapes: stakeholders` preferences, values and priorities

...cultural landscape in Norway is under pressure due to...including: urban development, intensification and more uniformity, and overgrowing and...consider different scenario s for possible development in Norwegian landscapes, exploring...

Awarded: NOK 2.7 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2009

Location: Oslo


Accounting for carbon and GHG emissions: balancing multiple landscape functions on farmland

...project will use complementary modelling approaches to assess how landscape changes may...GHG emissions and multifunctionality of agricultural landscapes. These multiple functions include...of viable rural communities, maintenance of cultural heritage, provision of attractive landscapes...

Awarded: NOK 6.9 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Akershus

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Cultural history, cultural heritage management and mediation in a South Sámi and Norse borderland

...knowledge and an improved implementation of the cultural...in regional/national plans dealing with R&D, management and museal mediation in relation to...the study area, the municipalities Engerdal and Rendalen, exhibit similarities, differences...

Awarded: NOK 4.1 mill.

Project Period: 2012-2016

Location: Oslo

MARINFORSKFISK-Marine ressurser og miljø - fiskeri

Marine resource gathering and infrastructure in the Norse North Atlantic

...marine resources such as driftwood, seaweed,...are often overlooked. However, there has been increased interest recently in how such resources...ethnohistorical sources, archaeological survey and excavations, and scientific analysis of...

Awarded: NOK 10.0 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Rogaland


Deterioration and decay of wooden cultural heritage in Arctic and Alpine environments

...wooden cultural heritage in the Arctic Svalbard and the...ecosystems with high impact from the ongoing climate changes in addition to threats from...and land use changes. The UN Sustainable Development Goals highlights the importance of...

Awarded: NOK 8.6 mill.

Project Period: 2021-2025

Location: Akershus

MARINFORSK-Marine ressurser og miljø

De-icing of Arctic Coasts: Critical or new opportunities for marine biodiversity and Ecosystem Services?

...waters are among the most productive regions in the Arctic and the coastal zone has always been...Melting of permafrost, shrinking of ice pack and retreat of glaciers are already subjects of...of landfast ice and ice foot (seasonal coastal ice) has received much less attention....

Awarded: NOK 3.4 mill.

Project Period: 2019-2022

Location: Svalbard

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Etablering søknad H2020 DRS-11: Climatic changes in Atlantic coastal zones. Preservation of the Built Heritage with Cultural ValueChanges by

...built heritage is composed of a variety of building types...the evolution of techniques through the ages and the importance of the building/built area....action but, in recent years, some climatic change may induce fast and distinct degradation...

Awarded: NOK 43,017

Project Period: 2015-2016

Location: Oslo


Albino Jopela: visiting researcher at IAKH Mobile researcher: Albino Jopela:, South Africa

...Jopela's research focus is of particular interest to several archaeologists at IAKH. His...of conservation and management systems of heritage in southern Africa, particularly in...work on the ways in which archaeological sites play roles as prominent places in cultural...

Awarded: NOK 91,000

Project Period: 2013-2013

Location: Oslo

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Sustainable Adaptation - Resilience in Urban Regeneration [ADAPT]

...growth urges development of more climate friendly solutions. Urban...processes effect the built environments, including cultural heritage, as the need for more...Already built structures have to relate to climate changes. Cultural heritage is a component in...

Awarded: NOK 9.0 mill.

Project Period: 2019-2022

Location: Oslo

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Localizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for the Barents Sea-Lofoten ecosystem in a changing climate

...can cultural heritage and cultural environments be used...we address are: How would diverse societal and industrial actors engage in a credible...Are current societal, political, sectorial and scientific cultures currently fit for this...

Awarded: NOK 9.4 mill.

Project Period: 2019-2025

Location: Vestland

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Documenting scientific expeditions and cultural heritage on Svalbard

...project will document the scientific itinerary of huts, field camps and cultural...unprotected and partially protected cultural heritage) on Brøggerhalvoya. Although considerable...work has centred on the intertwining of huts and scientific expeditions over the second half of...

Awarded: NOK 75,598

Project Period: 2022-2022

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Etablering søknad H202 DRS-11: Improved Cultural Conservation Policies over Climate Changes by using Innovative Sensing Technologies

...develop decision support models based on monitoring and technology yet to be introduced to...combining real-time monitoring with precise climate change prediction, risks will be assessed at...to provide context-sensitive approaches to heritage management. The monitoring data coming will...

Awarded: NOK 69,999

Project Period: 2015-2016

Location: Oslo

MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

LAND: SPARC. Snow Patch Archaeology Research Cooperation - The effects of climate change on vulnerable high mountain heritage environments.

...focuses on perennial high-mountain snow patches (PSPs) as long-term hosts for...The project will address three important and interrelated environmental challenges related...cultural e nvironments, both internationally and in Norway, in particular. In certain regions...

Awarded: NOK 4.6 mill.

Project Period: 2012-2016

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

CL2-Culture, creativity and inclusive society

New European Bauhaus Solutions in Food, Living Heritage, and Conviviality

...is an interdisciplinary and intersectorial coalition of...partners working together to bring a cultural dimension to the European Green Deal through...The consortium sees food cultures as a “living heritage” that reflects changes in society and...

Awarded: NOK 11.2 mill.

Project Period: 2024-2027

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda og 7 andre

KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Building Resilient Blue Places? The importance of Equity and Blue Space in Assembling a Blue Economy in the context of Climate Change

...a BE that can ensure future national prosperity and underwrite the future of coastal and oceanic...Yet, ocean and coastal spaces are increasingly under pressure and as the BE creates space and...may become disadvantaged or displaced. Coastal communities in Norway are also under...

Awarded: NOK 14.0 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2026

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage