0 projects

FRIHUMSAM-Fri prosjektstøtte for hum.fag og samfunnsvitenskap

Imagining and experiencing the refugee crisis (IMEX)

...will consist of two interconnected pillars; the first will concentrate on how recently arrived...Europe. We will pay particular attention to how the decision-making process regarding why, how and...seekers experience arriving and establishing themselves in Norway. The pillar will focus on...

Awarded: NOK 8.1 mill.

Project Period: 2017-2022

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosjektstøtte for matematikk, naturvitenskap og teknologi

Combinatorial Methods in Analysis

...is a 5-year FRIPRO Toppforsk project in mathematics at the Norwegian University of Science...research in analysis and its interaction with mathematical physics, PDEs, and number theory. The...expenses. Collaboration with world-leading mathematicians is included. A perpetual trend in...

Awarded: NOK 10.9 mill.

Project Period: 2018-2023

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Time-varying disaster risk, asset prices and international business cycles

...The weakening of the world economy in 2008-2010...a sharp contraction in economic activity with its associated effects on unemployment, savings...in what is known in financial economics as the disaster risk or rare-events hypothesis....

Awarded: NOK 0.58 mill.

Project Period: 2018-2023

Location: Oslo

UTENRIKS-Internasjonale forhold - utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk og norske interesser

Stateless in the Bengali borderlands: New technologies and challenges for identity and identification

...in Bengal' investigates the current crisis of statelessness affecting...Rakhine state gave rise to a major refugee crisis, and tension between Bangladesh and Myanmar....(NRC) in Assam has sparked fears of another crisis, with mass detention of “foreigners” and...

Awarded: NOK 6.0 mill.

Project Period: 2021-2025

Location: Oslo

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2

NHH Shipping Conference - LeaderShip 2021

...The Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) has a...of arranging annual shipping conferences. The 2018 and 2019 conferences, sponsored in part...180 attendees and high-level speakers such as the Norwegian minister of industry and the CEO of...

Awarded: NOK 0.15 mill.

Project Period: 2021-2021

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosjektstøtte for matematikk, naturvitenskap og teknologi

Ion cyclotron heating in laboratory and space plasmas with flows

...ion cyclotron instabilities are the class of plasma instabilities that have the...range of parameters relevant to space plasmas. Theoretical and experimental evidence have been...instabilities is significantly decreased. These results have considerably strengthened the...

Awarded: NOK 5.7 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2013

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

FRIHUMSAM-Fri prosjektstøtte for hum.fag og samfunnsvitenskap

Long term poverty dynamics in Nepal.

...combine quantitative and qualitative methodologies to understand long...conduct life-history interviews with a large random sample of households, preferably with an...births, separation of households, education, land purchases and sales, medical and other crisis,...

Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Vestland

SAMRISK-2-Samfunnssikkerhet og risiki

Norways public-private cooperation for pandemic preparedness and response (PANPREP)

...The Covid-19 pandemic has brought attention to the...public-private cooperation in ensuring national and global health security. Though widely touted...creates significant challenges of oversight and introduces a new ethos and interests into...

Awarded: NOK 10.4 mill.

Project Period: 2020-2025

Location: Oslo

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

Solar Atmospheric Modelling

...magnetism lies at the root of most solar and heliospheric physics....atm osphere (chromosphere, transition region, corona), regulates the solar wind, and affects the...the Swedish 1m Solar Telescope (SST) and the Japanese Hinode satellite. More data will...

Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2011

Location: Oslo

FRINATEK-Fri prosjektstøtte for matematikk, naturvitenskap og teknologi

Vortex flows and magnetic tornadoes on the Sun and cool stars

...The aim of the VORTEX project is the comprehensive...tornadoes, which have been discovered recently and are thought to be abundant on ou r Sun. They...due to the bathtub effect at the solar surface and force the footpoints of magnetic field...

Awarded: NOK 5.8 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2017

Location: Oslo

PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Arctic standards

...develop projects on Russian Environmental Standards. Russia has over many years developed...(MPL)for a number of contaminants, chemical and physical topics in water, soil and biota....will meet when operation in Russian waters, and the there is devloped a regime for economical...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2008-2009

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa


Meaning and melancholy in the thought of Emmanuel Levinas

...The original title of the dissertation that is...is "Meaning and Crisis. Emmanuel Levinas and the difficult meaning of the Ethical." It has...objections that were raised in the dispu tation and the attached statement of the committee. This...

Awarded: NOK 30,037

Project Period: 2014-2015

Location: Ukjent Fylke

TRANSIKK-Transportsikkerhet - 2010

Perception of transport risk in France and Norway

...The project is in accordance with the Norwegian...to improve safety and risk management within the tran sport sector. It is also in accordance...cooperation between researchers, policy makers and operators between European countries, as it...

Awarded: NOK 0.77 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

Solar Atmospheric Modelling, adjunct professor position

...magnetism lies at the root of most solar and heliospheric physics....atm osphere (chromosphere, transition region, corona), regulates the solar wind, and affects the...Telescope (SST), the Japanese Hinode satellite and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. More data will...

Awarded: NOK 0.91 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2016

Location: Oslo

SIP-FKD-SIP finansiert av Fiskeri- og Kystdepartementet

Integrated open seawater aquaculture, technology for sustainable culture of high productive areas

...The aquaculture industry is diversifying and...are produced. In Norway, salmon is the economically most important species, but several...to different trophic levels as fish, seaweed and mussel s may benefits of growing together. The...

Awarded: NOK 7.1 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

HELSEVEL-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester

Controversies in Psychiatry: Coercive measures and medication

...The field of psychiatry is in crisis. Developments...Mental disorder remains lethal short-term and disabling long term. In comparison, prognosis...even within single-provider health systems. There is, for example, great variation in rates of...

Awarded: NOK 12.0 mill.

Project Period: 2021-2026

Location: Vestland

BIOTEK2021-Bioteknologi for verdiskaping

New one-step process for the preparation of targeting stealth nanoparticles for drug delivery and molecular imaging

...many diseases, there is a high need for novel disease site...that they also lead to severe systemic toxicity and side effects. Nanoparticles and -capsules can...necessary characteristics are stealth corona to avoid clearance by the immune system and...

Awarded: NOK 7.6 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2017

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Farming systems for high quality food products and sustainable agriculture in mountainous areas

...The agriculture in the mountain districts of...possible solution for mountain agriculture. Branding of products requires documentation of...friendly farming systems that are economically viable and make use of mountain pastures....

Awarded: NOK 7.5 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Akershus

NORGLOBAL2-Norge - Global partner

Inclusive education in Nepal: a study of governance networks in selected municipalities.

...The objective of the project is to identify those...with a specific focus on change agents and network leadership. In the context of the...networks have responded to the schooling crisis arising from the pandemic. More specifically,...

Awarded: NOK 5.2 mill.

Project Period: 2019-2022

Location: Oslo

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

Solar Atmospheric Modelling

...application is for additional funds to the project "Solar Atmospheric Modelling" that is...(project 191814/V30). Solar magnetism lies at the root of most solar and heliospheric physics....atmosphere (chromosphere, transition region, corona), regulates the solar wind, and affects the...

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Oslo

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

Ground-based solar observational campaigns to strengthen Hinode and IRIS science

...astronomical observatories open new windows on the universe. The Hinode satellite opened a new...to resolve small-scale magnetic structures on the solar surface. The Interface Region Imaging...resolution to resolve fundamental processes in the solar chromosphere, transition region and...

Awarded: NOK 3.9 mill.

Project Period: 2013-2017

Location: Oslo

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Developing cost effective manufacturing and assembly of a new game changing in vitro diagnostic platform for Point of Care use

...Infarction (MI) is the single most common cause of death and its...or the perfusion imbalance between supply and demand within the coronary arteries as a...annual deaths, or 20% of all deaths in Europe and around 10 million globally. MI causes...

Awarded: NOK 74,999

Project Period: 2019-2020

Location: Oslo

TRANSIKK-Transportsikkerhet - 2010

Perception of transport risk in Norway and France - a comparative approach

...The project is in accordance with the Norwegian...to improve safety and risk management within the tran sport sector. It is also in accordance...cooperation between researchers, policy makers and operators between European countries, as it...

Awarded: NOK 0.97 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2011

Location: Oslo

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

How to establish cost-effective distribution channels and revenue streams in Europe for ICT solutions for people with cognitive impairment.

...The scope of the project is twofold: 1) To lift...this aim on commercial terms. In Europe today the market fail ure is one of the reasons and...with cognitive impairment. We aim to map the market and suggest/establish distribution...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2014-2014

Location: Oslo

HELSEVEL-H-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester

Privatizing the health sector: Expansion of voluntary, private health insurance and private for-profit hospitals in Nordic countries

...The European welfare states are facing...has increased the pressure on public financing and strengthened the need to find political...via voluntary, private health insurance (VPHI) and b) to open up for private for-profit...

Awarded: NOK 3.9 mill.

Project Period: 2015-2019

Location: Oslo



...The proposed cooperation project is linked a newly...fucuses on Present day processes, Past changes, and Spatiotemporal variability of biotic, abiotic...and resourc e components along and across the Arctic forest-tundra zone. This region/zone is...

Awarded: NOK 3.0 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

GRP CloCaFound Project Establishment Support

...of this research and development project is to solve and verify...(CCF). This technology will facilitate the use of smaller installation vessels and thus...especially issues related to buckling and soil structure interaction. Establish...

Awarded: NOK 0.15 mill.

Project Period: 2015-2016

Location: Akershus

IS-TOPP-Toppfinans. av M.Curie-stipend

New technology for extraction of omega 3 rich components and other valuable products from microorganisms

...The aim of the present project is to refine and or...broth of selected marine microorganisms. The product will be a high-quality...describing production of microbial lipids the cell mass is dried, and the triglyceride...

Awarded: NOK 0.46 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2010

Location: Østfold

FRIHUMSAM-Fri prosjektstøtte for hum.fag og samfunnsvitenskap

Can Fair Decision-Making Procedures Increase the Legitimacy of Democracies?

...democracy is globally perceived as the only legitimate system of government, there is...democrats", i.e. citizens who believe in the core values of democracy but nonetheless...practice. On top of this, we have observed low, and in many countries decreasing, levels of trust...

Awarded: NOK 8.5 mill.

Project Period: 2017-2021

Location: Vestland

SIP-Strategiske instituttprogram

Energy utilization in fish: consequences for the economy and environment

...production puts continually greater demands on economical and environmentally friendly...have basic knowledge about which factors affect the requirements of the fish for nutrients and...is influenced by a variety of factors such as the composition of the diet, the influence of the...

Awarded: NOK 12.7 mill.

Project Period: 2002-2006

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa