0 projects

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Detecting reindeer cadavers with remote sensing tools in the Arctic tundra of Svalbard, RiS ID 11512

Carrion is recognized as an important resource in many ecosystems, yet there are still difficulties in estimating the impacts on landscapes. Complex interactions with a wide range of taxa are involved, making it challenging to predict to what extent carrion trigger ecological responses, as this i...

Awarded: NOK 58,780

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

A warmer future: how warming and increased herbivore pressure affect vegetation change in the High Arctic, RiS ID 10030

The International Tundra Experiment (ITEX) aims to study changes in vegetation by artificially warming the tundra using open-top chambers. On Svalbard, one experiment within this network is the long-term monitoring site in Endalen, encompassing both experimentally warmed and unwarmed plots as wel...

Awarded: NOK 52,626

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Response of the microfossil community to the Permo-Triassic climate crisis (RiS ID 12072)

The Permo-Triassic climate crisis caused the most catastrophic extinction of marine life, with an estimated species loss of 81-95% [1]. Several environmental changes have been hypothesised as extinction drivers, but their direct role in extinction is heavily debated, and the link to the fossil re...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Effect of ambient light on the protist community during Arctic polar night.

We are deeply interested in protist rhodopsin expression in various light treatments, and suspect that gene expression will vary greatly. Recent genomic analyses have revealed the presence of numerous rhodopsins in marine eukaryotes, and surprisingly, green and blue-light absorbing rhodopsins fr...

Awarded: NOK 79,374

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Identifying new marine productivity proxies, RiS ID: 12103

Marine productivity (MP) plays a crucial role in the Earth’s system by absorbing atmospheric CO2. In the Arctic, due to global warming and sea-ice reduction, MP has increased up to 50% over the last decades, suggesting that Arctic waters can become even more productive in the future, thus providi...

Awarded: NOK 93,577

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Magma-fault interactions in central Spitsberger. (RiS -ID:12138)

Investigating magma and fault interactions, mainly focusing on the Vinodden-Gipshuken areas. Main methods include field mapping, digital mapping, geochemistry and petrology on dolerites.

Awarded: NOK 60,513

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Effect of river runoff in phytoplankton blooms in Adventfjorden (ERiPA)

This project will focus on the effect river runoff has on the seasonal plankton bloom of an arctic fjord, using Adventfjorden, Svalbard as a model system. Water column sampling will be conducted every two weeks in the timeperiod April 2023-September 2023 at two stations; one marine (IsA time seri...

Awarded: NOK 86,958

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Investigating the active layer ice content and resulting thaw dynamics in Adventdalen. RiS ID 12143.

This M.Sc. thesis project aims at quantifying how well remotely sensed ground deformation captures the ice/water content of the active layer in different landforms/ground conditions. It will further be investigated if assimilating the remotely sensed ground deformation into the permafrost model C...

Awarded: NOK 50,556

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

The source and evolution of Quaternary volcanic activity in NW Spitsbergen (RiS ID 12102)

Several small volcanic centers of Pleistocene age occur in the Woodfjorden area of NW Spitsbergen and are collectively known as the mantle-sourced Bockfjorden Volcanic Complex (BVC). The main magma type identified is basanite, an alkali basaltic variety that is typically associated with active co...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2023-2024

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Identifying drivers of senescence in Arctic tundra plants using field and PhenoCam observations, RiS ID: 12093

I propose a study to establish a crucial, yet missing, link between plant senescence observed using manual field methods, and using remote sensing derived vegetation indices. I further aim to identify potential climatic, biogeochemical, and plant physiological drivers of plant senescence in Arcti...

Awarded: NOK 64,831

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Geological survey of oveRbAnk sedimeNts In arcTic strEams

To gain a better understanding of the processes that occur during weathering processes of local geological material connected to Arctic catchment areas and river systems studies of overbank sediments plays a vital role. In general, knowledge about properties of the composition and physical-chemic...

Awarded: NOK 39,029

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Effect and responses of experimental warming on Dryas octopetala-dominated vegetation in High Arctic versus alpine ecosystems, RiS ID 10030

This master thesis aims to investigate the responses of experimental warming of the shrub Dryas octopetala in terms of its abundance, plant height and NDVI at a High Arctic and alpine site. It is expected that both abundance and plant height of Dryas will increase with warming, and that plant hei...

Awarded: NOK 23,941

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Response of shallow marine prokaryote ecosystems in the Boreal Ocean to the Permo-Triassic climate crisis (RiS ID: 12064)

This project aims to reconstruct the microbial community in the shallow Boreal Ocean during the environmental crisis at the Permian/Triassic boundary that coincided with the most severe mass extinction in Earth’s history. By collecting new samples for lipid biomarker analysis at three Permian-Tri...

Awarded: NOK 92,995

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Targeting a Svalbox hiatus: Palaeozoic and Beyond (RiS 12108)

Currently-available Svalbox data mostly cover the Central Spitsbergen Basin, with clear data sparsity north of Pyramiden (“northern hiatus”) and south of Van Keulenfjorden. The "Targeting a Svalbox hiatus: Palaeozoic and Beyond (Svalbox404)" targets the northern hiatus, focusing on the acquisitio...

Awarded: NOK 77,999

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Methylmercury and Total Mercury in Arctic Permafrost (RIS-ID: 12073)

As a student in the international master program in Environmental Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry at NTNU there is a formal study direction for Arctic research. Aim of this direction in the master program is to educate the future Arctic researchers, and the topics for master projects are d...

Awarded: NOK 5,319

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Effect of Extreme Rainfall on Arthropod Abundance and Emergence across Altitudinal Gradients in Svalbard, RiS ID 11968

Arthropod communities in all ecosystems are being affected by climate change. In the Arctic, preipitation will increase and become more variable. A larger proportion of precipitation will fall as rain rather than snow and extreme summer rainfall events are expected to occur more frequently. There...

Awarded: NOK 33,413

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Traceable Abrasion of Snow Vehicle Belts in Svalbard

The project TRACES will focus on abrasive particles from snow vehicle belts in snow and soil samples collected in Ny-Ålesund and Longyearbyen. The collection will take place in high-trafficked areas and in locations where less or no snow vehicle utilization is considered. Moreover, samples will b...

Awarded: NOK 81,877

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Re-surveying historical vegetation records in Svalbard

The Arctic belongs to the areas most affected by climate change. Following the overall warming of their environment, tundra plant species have been shown to track their suitable climatic niche by shifting their ranges towards cooler places, specifically upward or poleward. With accelerating rates...

Awarded: NOK 98,291

Project Period: 2023-2024

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Linking metagenomics and microscopy to investigate the formation of aggregates of glacial materials on Svalbard. RiS ID 12117

Little is known about the formation of cryoconite – aggregates of mineral particles and microbes held together by exopolymeric substances (EPS) - on glaciers. This project will investigate the different microbial communities found in different sedimental structures throughout a polar year on Foxf...

Awarded: NOK 63,999

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Goose herbivory and strong winter rainfall limit plant uptake of permafrost N, RiS 11069

Plant roots are often associated with mycorrhizal fungi. i.e. mushrooms that colonize plant roots belowground, and play a crucial role in plant uptake of nitrogen (N) which is essential for plant growth. During this fieldwork we will take soil cores at the peak of the growing season to examine th...

Awarded: NOK 37,724

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Tracing warm Atlantic Water in Tempelfjorden, Svalbard - RiS ID 12116

This project uses a combination of high-resolution modelling and observations in Tempelfjorden, a side fjord of Isfjorden with 2 marine-terminating glaciers (MTGs), to investigate under which conditions Atlantic Water (AW) enters the fjord, how it affects MTGs and how it will change with an enhan...

Awarded: NOK 98,482

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Early-Holocene coastal and environmental evolution Isfjorden, Svalbard: lithological and foraminiferal evidence RiS ID: 12101

The aim of this project is to identify and study raised marine deposits from the Early Holocene from two sites in Isfjorden, West Spitsbergen (Bogebekken/Hollendarbukta, Erdmannflya). The study will focus on marine sedimentary processes and environmental changes during the Early Holocene. The stu...

Awarded: NOK 49,512

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Developing methodology to measure the bioluminescence of key bioluminescent species (RiS ID: 12158)

Bioluminescence is one of the chief contributors to the light environment at depth in the sea and plays a key role in biological interactions and animal behaviour. There is a wide range of spectral compositions, the various wavelengths which combine to produce light of a particular colour, pre...

Awarded: NOK 35,431

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Investigating spatial and seasonal patterns in settlement of benthic communities in Kongsfjorden

Early life history ecology, especially settlement of benthic invertebrates is a black box in marine ecology. Researching larval and settlement ecology in-situ is incredibly difficult and logistical constraints have further restricted studies in the Arctic. I will investigate early life history st...

Awarded: NOK 94,999

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Timing and origin of Miocene flood volcanism on Spitsbergen: the Seidfjellet Formation revisited (RiS ID 12088)

Mantle-derived volcanism accompanied the Cenozoic lithosphere evolution of the NE Greenland and NW Barents Sea shelves during final separation of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates. It is unclear, however, to what extent continental breakup was influenced by deep-sourced mantle plume...

Awarded: NOK 99,899

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Investigating mechanisms behind thermoregulation in Svalbard reindeer, RiS ID 12119

The aim of this study is to investigate cellular mechanisms underlying Svalbard reindeer's ability to lower their body temperature in winter to save energy. To achieve this, we will collect muscle and heart tissue from culled reindeer in October as part of a larger field campaign. These samples w...

Awarded: NOK 97,646

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Akershus

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Landscape architectural analysis of Longyearbyen's permafrost for the afterlife design of Mine #7, RiS ID: 12115

This project is a part of a master’s diploma which will propose a landscape architectural solution for the afterlife of Mine #7 in Svalbard. The design will be developed with a long-term perspective; considering the fluctuating conditions of thawing permafrost, as climate change impacts Longyearb...

Awarded: NOK 15,270

Project Period: 2023-2024

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Effect of heavy rainfall events on soil faunal communities and soil characteristics across Svalbard ecosystems - T-REX project -RiS ID 11968

Climate change will alter precipitation regimes. In a warming climate, precipitation across the Arctic will increase and become more variable. A larger proportion of precipitation will fall as rain rather than snow and extreme summer rainfall events are expected to occur more frequently. There is...

Awarded: NOK 35,587

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Effect of Extreme Rainfall on Soil Thermal Regime and Tundra Ecology across Landscape Gradients - RiS ID 11968

In a warming climate, precipitation across the Arctic will increase and become more variable and extreme summer rainfall events are expected to occur more frequently. There is little experimental evidence of the impacts of such rainfall extremes on Arctic ecosystems. In the intended project we wi...

Awarded: NOK 71,880

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Constraining the geometry of Diabasodden Suite sills using joint and fracture network properties

SillProx will develop and test a methodology for estimating the geometry of magmatic intrusions where obscured and/or eroded boundaries do not allow for standard visual methods.If proven succesful we envision this method being of great use to many researchers in the volcanological and igneous geo...

Awarded: NOK 99,625

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Svalbard