0 projects

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

POlymer architected structures for Traffic ENergy absorbers in Transport InfrastructuraAL systems

Every year, road traffic accidents claim 1.35 million lives and cost countries 3% of their GDP, making them a grave concern worldwide. Norway, in its 2022-2033 National Transport Plan, prioritizes Vision Zero for road safety. Among accident types, run-out-off road crashes contribute significantly...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Exchange and Collaboration for Paleo Ice Sheet Integration

Together with our partners in France, we aim to build an modeling infrastructure that can consistently simulate the Greenland ice sheet over the entire glacial cycle and validate the results using the best available reconstructions. This can greatly improve our understanding of ice sheet stabilit...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Vestland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Ionospheric monitoring of tsunamis from low-earth orbit satellites

We propose a two-year project that facilitates the interaction and development of a collaboration between NGI and OCA scientists. Our team brings together expertise in tsunami hazard modeling, as well as tsunami source modeling. The team proposes to develop a methodology to remotely sense tsunami...

Awarded: NOK 79,999

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Gender equality through sustainable work life for leaders and coaches in sport

This collaborative and cross-cultural project responds to the European Union initiatives and the International Olympic Comitees objective for increasing gender equality in sport. Worldwide, women in top leadership positions in sports is reported to be 8.4–20% for coaches and 10-30% for leaders. E...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

DASGEO: Artificial Intelligence investigation of Geo-mass movements using Distributed Acoustic Sensing

In a recent study, researchers from NORSAR and ITES - University of Strasbourg worked on how to use machine learning to deal with big data coming from DAS-based geological monitoring. This study was led by joint master’s student M. Donnadille was focusing on the use of machine learning to learn h...

Awarded: NOK 39,000

Project Period: 2024-2025

Location: Akershus

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Impact of Diving on Vascular Health

Diving exposes the human body to physical stress that initiate a range of phyiological and biochemical responses. Much of the maritime and marine industry still completely rely on diving and will so for many years ahead. It is therefore key to understand possible negative health effects of this o...

Awarded: NOK 93,999

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Vestland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Learning and Reasoning in Knowledge Graph Embeddings

A very prominent application of AI is to predict new facts based on patterns found in datasets in the format of Knowledge Graphs (KGs). These are graph structures representing knowledge of a domain of interest and/or of a particular organization. The flexibility of KGs when representing incomplet...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Vestland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Structuring collaboration in the field of environmental dynamics and impacts of contaminants of emerging concern in marine environments

Beyond individual scientists, this collaboration will connect highly complementary communities, while pushing the boundary of knowledge on the highly topical societal matter of environmental contamination. In this particularly challenging and ambitious research field, our project will enable qual...

Awarded: NOK 81,999

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Aurora Mobility Program - Methodological approaches to drug use in observational studies

An interdisciplinary cooperation between UiT and Université Paris Cité on the statistical analysis of epidemiological data was initiated in the 1990s by professors emeriti Jean-Christophe Thalabard and Eiliv Lund. This long standing, “first generation” collaboration was organized through the co-s...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2024

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

OpenLiverLab - Open source library for the liver, from images to clinicians

Leveren er kroppens største indre organ og en kraftstasjon som lagrer essensielle vitaminer og mineraler, utfører over 500 metabolske funksjoner og renser blodet vårt. Å forstå dens komplekse struktur er avgjørende, spesielt når det gjelder å diagnostisere og behandle leverkreft, en av de vanligs...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Timed strategies for rewrite-based symbolic analysis of real-time systems

The development of time-critical systems (e.g., aircraft control systems or autonomous vehicles) require rigorous methods for guaranteeing the correct behavior of the system. Quite often, some characteristics of the system are unknown at design phase, and hence the need for introducing parameters...

Awarded: NOK 74,999

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

SporeHybrids - Combination of bacterial spores displaying light reactive proteins with upconverting nanoparticles.

Microbial spores, such as those from the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis have the capacity to absorb substances such as ions, proteins and can be coated with polymers. Furthermore, through genetic engineering, the surface of spores can be decorated with heterologous proteins. SporeHybri...

Awarded: NOK 97,000

Project Period: 2023-2024

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Equivalent nonlinear control methods for digitalization in robotics and autonomous systems

Robotic and autonomous systems largely rely on the complex and often distributed and hierarchical control systems that have to ensure the main functionalities with a flexible and safe operation. The classical automatic feedback controllers continue to experience the new challenges coming from an ...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Agder

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Establishing a research foundation for collaboration on viruses infecting Pavlovophyceae

Phytoplankton diversity, abundance, and community composition change through the seasons, driven by variations in environmental conditions and biological processes. Haptophytes are an important component of this community, contributing to 30-50 % of the photosynthetic standing stock (biomass) in...

Awarded: NOK 25,473

Project Period: 2023-2023

Location: Vestland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Perceptual-cognitive information processing and the psychology of sustainability

In the present project, we will identify the low- and high-level processes that independently as well as interactively underpin the psychology of sustainability. We will conduct a series of experiments that will make use of and combine the expertise of a prominent cognitive psychology lab in Fran...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2023-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Gradient Flow Modelling of Multi-phase Flow in Deformable Porous Media

Fluid flow in deformable porous media is of high relevance in both France and Norway. Applications with a strong multi-physics coupling range from subsurface activities as CO2 storage, geothermal energy, and nuclear waste management, to biomedical engineering as studying Alzheimer’s and osteopor...

Awarded: NOK 82,703

Project Period: 2022-2024

Location: Vestland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Advanced processing of SAR images for the Arctic

For the characterization of Arctic scenario, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensing plays a key-role. SAR satellites provide measurements regardless of weather conditions and natural illumination with high spatial resolution. In particular, the Sentinel-1 mission is considered an important operat...

Awarded: NOK 40,000

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Simulation-based training and assessment in laparoscopic surgery

The introduction of minimally invasive surgery in the 90’s, together with an increased public attention to surgeons’ competencies in general, have created an interest in how to acquire and test surgical skills outside of the operating room. In addition, organizational changes such as increased f...

Awarded: NOK 53,276

Project Period: 2022-2024

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Cross-Layer Cognition in Mobile Edge Computing (CroCoMilE)

The global trend to extend connectivity to many devices for everyday use lead to the emergence of Edge computing. A paradigm where data and services are gradually pushed from the cloud which allows edge-level data storage and processing, increasing responsiveness through lower commu...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Does ultrasound elastography provide a valid estimation of the amount of muscle damage?

The inability of non-invasive techniques to estimate muscle damage limits our understanding of injury occurrence. Shear wave elastography (SWE) technique provides a reliable (Lacourpaille et al. 2012) and accurate (Eby et al. 2013) quantification of individual muscle shear modulus (i.e., stiffne...

Awarded: NOK 21,138

Project Period: 2022-2024

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Spectral and Polarization Imaging of Specular Cultural Heritage Artifacts

The intensity of specular reflections makes it difficult to capture usable images of specular material. In art paintings or stained glasses, this is a major problem for documentation and analysis. We propose to update spectral and polarimetric imaging systems to spectropolarimetric imaging syste...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Trustworthy Fleet Management of Edge-based Systems

According to Gartner, by 2022, more than 50% of enterprise-generated data will be created and processed outside the Cloud. This has led to the emergence of Edge computing, which comprises software modules running both in the Cloud and on devices at the edge of the network such as gateways, router...

Awarded: NOK 35,730

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Peptoid nanotubes for cancer therapy

Organic nanotubes are promising nanomaterials displaying many potential applications in nanotechnology, in particular nanomedicine. Nanomaterials with cylindrical or rod-like morphologies are of great advantage to get a longer circulation time in blood compared to spheres with similar chemistry a...

Awarded: NOK 80,000

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Research Exchange on Emerging Topic Detection in Online Social Media

This proposal seeks funding for two postdocs from from Simula Research Laboratory, and for Johannes Langguth from Simula Research Laboratory to travel to Université de Lorraine for collaboration in the area of algorithms for social network analysis. The first component of the collaboration will...

Awarded: NOK 44,973

Project Period: 2022-2024

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Green hydrogen technology using food waste via thermophiles

The proposed project aims to develop links and cooperation between the Norwegian Energy-Sustainability Nexus lab (ESNL) and the French Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l'Environnement (LBE, INRAE). The interest of such a collaboration is to further develop the hydrogen production activities by da...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2024

Location: Rogaland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Technology Roadmap for Autonomous Feeder Loop Service

Under this project, the partners will form a collaborative research project titled “Technology Roadmap for Autonomous Feeder Loop Service” (TRAFLS). Despite rapid technological developments toward fully autonomous systems for the transport and logistics industry, their commercial applications sti...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Vestfold

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Drug repurposing for improved therapy of myeloid cancers

Behandling av myeloide kreftformer er særskilt krevjande av fleire grunnar. Dei fleste pasientane er eldre, og toler ikkje optimal behandling. Dei får difor mildare behandling enn yngre pasientar. Det vil difor vera ein større risiko for at behandlinga ikkje lukkast, og at ein får terapi-resisten...

Awarded: NOK 73,000

Project Period: 2021-2022

Location: Vestland

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Dynamics of deadwood decompostion tempo by forest fungi

In forests, wood is an essential component of carbon and nitrogen cycling and serves as habitat and resources for organisms like fungi, bacteria, insects. Saprotrophic fungi having powerful enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms are key decomposers of the lignocellulosic complex in wood, affectin...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2021-2023

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Self-sufficient in-vivo sensors by multi-physics energy harvesting

Scientifically the project is concerned with a new way to harvest energy from sources accessible for in vivo devices. These sources can be of mechanical, thermal, or photonic nature, but within the body the energy that can harvested from each of them individually is rather small. In our novel app...

Awarded: NOK 45,508

Project Period: 2021-2023

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Deciphering the physiology of Nordic snow-algae and cell membrane stress responses

The project will study the adaptation and subcellular physiology of Arctic snow-algae, which have unique metabolic adaptations and could play roles in climate change. The project will use new research tools including selected techniques from the microbial and plant sciences to investigate how sno...

Awarded: NOK 30,000

Project Period: 2021-2022

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda