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CL5-Climate, Energy and Mobility

Deciphering Intents of Air traffic controllers, workLOad assessment and Gaze analysis to enable their efficient and trustworthy collaboration with AI

Awarded: NOK 7.3 mill.


Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2024 - 2027

Funding received from:

Deciphering Intents of Air traffic controllers, workLOad assessment and Gaze analysis to enable their efficient and trustworthy collaboration with AI

The DIALOG project aims to improve collaboration between air traffic controllers (ATCOs) and artificial intelligence (AI) systems in air traffic management. It addresses a very ambitious goal of enabling AI members of human-AI teams to anticipate when and what kind of assistance their human teammates need and to respond on that. DIALOG will develop an AI-based digital assistant called Teamwork Assistant that uses speech recognition and understanding of pilot-controller exchanges to infer ATCOs' intent and goals. It also utilizes machine learning-based methods to assess ATCOs' workload and attention in real-time based on voice, physiology, and behavioral data. The actions of the digital assistant are determined based on the ATCOs' current state, attention allocation, traffic situation, and general context. The project will develop prototypes and conduct validation exercises in close collaboration with end-users to assess the performance and usability of the proposed solutions.

Funding scheme:

CL5-Climate, Energy and Mobility

Funding Sources