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CL5-Climate, Energy and Mobility

ONdas DE Peniche

Awarded: NOK 4.4 mill.


Project Number:


Project Period:

2024 - 2030

Funding received from:


ONdas DE Peniche

The untapped potential of wave energy emerges as a promising horizon projected to reach up to 1,800 TWh per year in Europe. However, full operational conditions of a wave energy farm are required to improve market confidence and increase the bankability and insurability of wave energy commercial projects. In this context, ONDEP aims at setting up a 2MW farm composed of 4 WaveRoller units connected to the grid in Peniche, Portugal. This will leverage +10 years of experience at this site - including two years of full-scale demonstration of the patented and certified WaveRoller unit (2019-2021). Over five years and a half, ONDEP aims at emulating the needs and technical challenges of future extra large-scale wave farms, while establishing a complete end-to-end European supply chain for GW-scale deployment in Europe. It also includes the first comprehensive environmental analysis spanning several decades for wave energy production. ONDEP is a pathway to scale up wave energy farms: in the short term and by 2030, the project expects to unlock 11 farms in 8 countries across 4 continents, with a cumulative 83 MW capacity (MoUs and support letters already signed) and a GWP <25 gCO2eq/kWh. Beyond 2035, the expected LCOE (<100€/MWh) will pave the way towards a sustainable blue economy creating up to 500,000 jobs in Europe. To achieve its ambitious goals, ONDEP involves 9 countries and 14 leading organisations covering the whole end-to-end value chain of the wave energy sector.

Funding scheme:

CL5-Climate, Energy and Mobility

Funding Sources