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CL5-Climate, Energy and Mobility

Interoperable, Scalable and seCure Ac-Dc modular Automation system

Awarded: NOK 8.7 mill.

Interoperable, Scalable and seCure Ac-Dc modular Automation system

The ongoing transformation of the European energy sector is crucial to reduce CO2 emissions and increase security of supply and independence from energy imports. A pillar of this transformation is increased power generation from renewable resources, especially wind power and photovoltaics, but also electrification of the heating and mobility sector. These generators and consumers of electrical energy are increasingly connected to the power grid via power electronic converters. Furthermore, DC lines and subnetworks are built to reduce power conversion losses and achieve cost-efficient network strengthening. Due to these trends, power systems are increasingly hybrid AC/DC systems, and their dynamic is highly influenced by power electronic devices. Maintaining system stability and situation awareness in such hybrid systems is a challenge for system operators on distribution and transmission level and creates a need for SCADA systems that are adaptable and help operators to tackle the challenges posed by the rapid transformation of the grids. InterSCADA is committed to developing and providing an open-source, vendor-independent SCADA system for operators. This will enable them to quickly adapt to sudden system perturbations, implement new monitoring and control functions, and maintain situational awareness. The InterSCADA platform will implement a set of relevant functions as microservices, creating a modular SCADA system for system operators. The InterSCADA solutions will be deployed and tested in demonstration sites in four different countries, involving both distribution and transmission system operators. Furthermore, InterSCADA will provide recommendations to grid codes and standards for hybrid AC/DC systems, aiming to facilitate the transformation of the power grid while ensuring the maintenance of stability and reliability.

Funding scheme:

CL5-Climate, Energy and Mobility

Funding Sources