Resilience through re-skilling and upskilling for European labour markets in transition
The ongoing global challenges and the twin transition of sectors results in a profound reshaping of the European labour market, jobs and necessary competencies and is likely to lead to skill mismatches. SkillResilience4EU aims to reframe the concept of resilience of the European labour markets under the fast-paced digital and green changes and related challenges, and to outline actionable pathways to narrow the labour market mismatches that this twin transition triggers, through reskilling and upskilling. SkillResilience4EU's objectives are: (1) The development of a novel conceptual framework to understand the impacts of the twin transition on European labour markets, in particular job creation and job destruction processes, and the interplay between the twin transition and other micro and macro drivers of change. (2) The investigation of the complex mechanisms, dynamics, and challenges that European labour markets undergo through the twin transition, and the delivery of recommendations and practical resources to support decision makers in managing the twin transition, focusing on the inclusion of left behind groups and places. (3) The mapping and evaluation of educational and training programmes for reskilling and upskilling and to deliver recommendations and practical resources to support individuals and employers in managing the twin transition, focusing on career guidance and development. (4) The promotion and facilitation of the further uptake of the project’s Key Exploitable Results and other outputs through active and broad dissemination towards key stakeholder groups. It consists of a consortium with interdisciplinary expertise in social sciences and humanities of 7 universities, 2 VET providers and 1 local authority and 8 work packages. SkillResilience4EU will go beyond the state of the art as it can have significant implications on the twin transition of the European labour markets, and the design of relevant policies and education and training practices.