Through molecular biology studies on salmon lice, basic knowledge on this parasite and the interaction with its host will be gained, that can further understand this economical significant parasite in salmon aquaculture. The project will focus one three m ain topics, connected by molecular biology methods. One part will focus on identification of enzymes connected to blood digestion of the lice, particularly serine proteases. Enzymes/proteins cloned and identified will be tested out as concealed antige ns against salmon lice by immunisation of Atlantic salmon. Furthermore, endo-symbiotic bacteria will be studied and the significance of these for lice survival and reproduction will be ruled out. These studies will gain knowledge that can be used in a fut u re vaccine against the salmon lice. The last part will be continuation of earlier studies aimed to find molecular markers that can serve as tools to separate the lice into different populations. Such information will be very useful i order to study the sa lmon lice epizootiology.