Prosjektsammendrag: It is well known that the ocean area off the southern tip of Norway is an area where oceanic mesoscale features such as eddies, fronts, upwelling jets and filaments are in abundance. It is also well known that this area is a higly biological productive ar ea, and that this production is connected to the abundance of oceanic mesoscale features. The oceanic mesoscale features correspond to the lows and highs of the atmosphere and is thus a manifestation of the oceanic "weather". Thus, to understand, and ult imately to forecast, such phenomena in the ocean is of utmost importance for the oceanic biological production. Through this study we expect to document the ability of a particular numerical model to reproduce the mesoscale feature off the southern tip of Norway (the Lista area), to estabilish an innovative energy diagnostic scheme for the model, and to apply this scheme towards the ultimate goal of determining the cause of the recurring oceanic eddies and mesoscale features off the southern tip of Norway.