There is an urgent need for basic knowledge and expertise regarding biological effects of genetically modified plant products (GMPPs) and the fate of DNA-derivative from GMPPs in animal and man. Biological evaluation is essential because nutritional value and health effects cannot be predicted from even the most sophisticated analyses. With the program described here the Institute of Nutrition, in co-operation with partners from the National Veterinary Institute and Norwegian Scholl of Veterinary Medicine , seeks to fill in some of the knowledge gaps regarding GM soya and maize to intestinal chyme, plasma, liver, spleen, kidney, brain and fillet of salmon; b) evaluate effects of GM soya and maize on nutrient digestibility and utilisation, growth and fille tcomposition, and organ morphology and function in salmon at four developmental stages; c) compare effects of GM feeds in salmon with effects in rats in a stage of rapid growth; d) evaluate nutritional and organ effects of feeding rat
fillet from salmon fed diets with GMPPs. The program comprises education of three Ph.D. students and employ one Post Doc.