Overhead power transmission lines are subjected to various mechanical loads induced by the environment, including ice load, aeolian vibrations and galloping. These phenomena may damage the lines, and in certain cases (e.g. fjord crossing in areas with a h arsh climate) the electric utlitities see a need for systems for remote monitoring of the mechanical stresses the lines are subjected to. Optical fibres with so-called Bragg grating point sensors can be used to measure the dynamic strain on an overhead li ne very accurately. The project is essentially to by modelling an d simulations establish relasionships between strain measurements at a number of points along a line span with the overall dynamic behaviour of the line. Thi s will be accomplished by performing finite element modelling of the mechanical behaviour of a line and comparing the results with measurements obtained on a 15 m long line span installed in the laboratory. Finally, the potential benefit of using Bragg gr ating sensors for monitoring vibrations on overhead transmission lines will be evaluated.