Xenobiotic release and accumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment of ED and their transfer to humans, wildlife, fish and farmed animals is a big problem. This project addresses the dynamics of this process and the possible co nsequences for environmental health and of their bioaccumulation in tissues. Effects on endocrine regulated functions such as development and reproduction are studied. A zebrafish model is used for two main reasons. 1) Environmental pollutants are a threa t to health and food safety. Marine products represent a major source of POPs intake among humans. 2) Experimental methods for zebrafish research are well documented, and rapid advances in gene manipulation technologies offer methods to establish a link b etween a gene and its function both on the individual level and on the population level. In this project natural mixtures of POPs including BFRs and PCBs are used during different life-stages in combination with multigenerational exposure. The establishme nt of a large group of zebrafish exposed in a controlled way to POPs will enable us to examine responses in relation to duration and magnitude of exposures and to provide a framework to assess the effects in a population. The constant monitoring of define d endpoints in the zebrafish study population will lead to development of new biomarkers of POP effects. Risk assessments for the POPs will include measurement of bioaccumulation in fish tissues, effects on reproductive and other tissues and effects on de mographic traits (development, growth, survival, reproduction, and sex ratio). These measurements will facilitate the development of rationales for optimal use of precautionary principles and the determination of margins of safety. The proposal has releva nce for human health, consumer needs and the competitiveness of the European food industry because it will quantify risk factors, for example by quality monitoring and tracing POPs thro