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MATPROG-Matprogrammet: Norsk mat fra sjø og land

Functional genomics for optimized milk and meat quality

Awarded: NOK 12.4 mill.

Summary: The present proposal is one of several coordinated projects intended to ensure a comprehensive genome-wide marker-description of the Norwegian cattle population and its diversity. The bovine genome sequence will be published in 2006. Norway has o ne of the world's best databases on the genetic history, productivity and health of individual cows and bulls. Together, these resources offer dramatically new tools for understanding and improving important aspects of animal health, production economy, m ilk and meat healthiness and consumer acceptability. TINE uses an advanced and extensive quality control system for milk based on FT-IR spectroscopy, generating millions of informative, multi-channel measurements of milk per year. This project will try t o extract much more information from these milk measurements by calibrating them for a number of new phenotypes, such as fatty acid profile, animal energy balance etc. This information will then be split mathematically into genetic and environmental and f eeding contributions, both of which can be used directly within existing breeding- and farm-advice schemes. Another ongoing project (NFR-156740/110) concerns tenderness and intramuscular fat in young NRF bulls, and this new project will reanalyse these da ta in order to search for more aspects of tenderness variations. Three other projects (NFR-160871/S10, NFR-159136/S10 and EU-PL 01625-2-SABRE) provide funding to genotype a set of 25K genome wide distributed SNPs in a large number of progeny tested NRF bu lls. In this project we will use the 25K chip in a genome search for genes affecting meat quality by doing selective genotyping of 380 bulls from the project NFR-156740/110. New statistical tools will compress these, in light of pedigree information, in to haplotypes - stable "gene packages" that correlate to phenotypes such as productivity, milk protein, fatty acid profile, animal nutrition and health, beef tenderness etc. Interesting genes will be pursued by new techniques within transcriptomics, prote omics and biospectroscopy at Campus Ås in an interdisciplinary effort.

Funding scheme:

MATPROG-Matprogrammet: Norsk mat fra sjø og land