This project focuses on two new onion productions, aiming to increase the total onion consumption in Norway, through developing production- and postharvest protocols for two new onion productions, developing productions of onions that will be marketed bas ed on their consumer friendliness, taste or positive health effect, and contributing to set media focus on the use of onions and their health effects.
Sweet onions and onions enriched in flavonols are thought to be new varieties that will stimulate to an increase in the Norwegian consumption of onions. In addition there is an industrial interest in the use of such onions as a source of inulin and quercetins, compounds that are considered to have several health benefits. However, there is a scarcity in th e knowledge of how to grow sweet onions under the light and climatic conditions that are typical in Norway. A major challenge is to develop growth programs (planting, fertilization, irrigation, harvesting), postharvest treatment and storage protocols. Nor wegian producers are looking for varieties and protocols in order to enhance sweetness of sweet varieties in addition to get onion bulbs with nice looking shape and outer skin. Shelf life of sweet onions is limited due to high water (>30%) and sugar conte nt (>10%) compared to stock onions with 10% water and 3-5% sugars. Shelf life can be improved through protocols that reduce the amount of free sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose) and water, and that increase the content of sweet tasting oligomeric sacc harides.
There is a similar need of protocols for the production of flavonol onions, bulbs that are enriched in a group of phytochemicals (quercetins), that have connected the intake of onions to a range of health benefits (cardiovascular disorders, can cer). The products that are in market today vary in content of flavonols from below 100 mg to 500 mg per kilogram edible onion. This project wants to develop a production of onions that will give 1-2 g of quercetin per kilogram.
The project will also as sess sensory characteristics of the most promising onion varieties, as altering carbohydrate composition or other plant compounds may affect the taste.