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SIP-FKD-SIP finansiert av Fiskeri- og Kystdepartementet

Market-Based Product Differentiation in the Seafood Industry

Awarded: NOK 8.2 mill.

This research program focuses on market-based product differentiation in the seafood industry. This kind of research is much needed in an industry where most products can be characterised as commodities and where the main competitive variable is (low) pri ce. Through this program we aim to further develop Fiskeriforskning's competence regarding strategies and methods for product differentiation and market testing of seafood products - which represents central areas in Fiskeriforskning's strategies for rese arch. The research is organised around two main projects. Project 1 will focus on market testing of seafood products and project 2 will focus on differentiation strategies. Each project will produce one PhD and consist of a team of researchers to support this. The research is expected to be highly useful for the Norwegian seafood industry both in the short and long term. To make sure that the research is relevant and useful two main companies in the seafood industry is part of a "reference group" for the program.

Funding scheme:

SIP-FKD-SIP finansiert av Fiskeri- og Kystdepartementet