The aquaculture industry is diversifying and several species are produced. In Norway, salmon is the economically most important species, but several species are coming up. Combining species belonging to different trophic levels as fish, seaweed and mussel s may benefits of growing together. The feed investments are better utilised and the activity improves the environmental image of culturing fish because wastes are reduced. Benefits are for example:
* A reduction of overall costs for maintenance, infrast ructure and logistics
* Less economical dependency on marked development as for monocultures
* Enhanced production of lower trophic level species like macroalgae and mussels when they are cultured together with fish
* Higher value of production per unit o f feed invested, because the number of harvested species are increased
* Reduced environmental impacts from feed wastes and excretion products from the salmon cage culture (environmental friendly)
The research work of the Program will be organized in 4 interactive projects:
1. 3D-ecological numerical model tools for assessments of location feasibility and interaction between components in open sea integrated aquaculture
2. Technology and production strategy for integrated open seawater aquaculture
3. D emonstration of biological and environmental effects of integrated aquaculture
4. International network and co-operation
Funding scheme:
SIP-FKD-SIP finansiert av Fiskeri- og Kystdepartementet