The project involves the synthesis of existing geological and geophysical data from the Norwegian and Russian Arctic basins, and their interpretation using an interdisciplinary approach. By combining potential field data with seismic lines, further calibr ated with deep wells, shallow boreholes and surrounding outcrops, we will provide a throrough tectonic, structural and stratigraphic, and paleogeographic framework for the Barents Sea, northern Pechora region and Kara Sea areas. Such integrated studies a re crucial and an obvious scientific approach for understanding the spatial distribution of hydrocarbon source rocks and reservoir rocks of this large study aeas. In cooperation with Russian and Norwegian partners we will be able to compile a refined tect onostratigraphic framework and a series of novel and detailed paleogeographic maps of 21 key stratigraphic levels from the Early Paleozoic to Eocene time. Combining the large databases held by Russian and Norwgian authorities, and the most updated metholo gies for data processing and analyses, the project will provide a coherent and reliable intepretation for the whole Barents Sea and Kara Sea region.
Funding scheme:
PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver