SINTEF Energy Research proposes a joint long term research project involving oil companies, supplier industry, NTNU and the Norwegian Research Council with the intention to boost the knowledge and skills on design, analysis and verification of systems for transmission and distribution of power to subsea control, processing and flow assurance equipment. The principal objective is to establish high national competence centre on design, verification and operation of electric power systems for subsea processi ng and transportation of oil and gas.
The background of this proposal is the increasing use of subsea satellites for oil and gas exploitation. The equipment placed subsea are becoming more advanced (control and monitoring) and power demanding (pumps, c ompressors, processing, and flow assurance systems). The distances to shore / nearest platforms / floating vessels controlling and powering these subsea installations are increasing. The reliability requirements to the power supply systems are very high d ue to the potential consequences of failures. Consequently, knowledge on design, verification and operation of transmission and distribution systems are becoming vital.
The defined sub-objectives are:
1: Describe technical obstacles, requirements and po ssibilities related to systems for transmission of power and signals. Survey of current concepts for transmission and infield distribution systems
2: Develop competence on methods and tools for design and verification of complete subsea power systems, inc luding ability to avoid undesired phenomena.
3:Provide necessary new simulation models for wideband simulation of (umbilical) cables and transformers, including validation of such models
4:Demonstrate new solutions for powering subsea processing, flow ass urance and control systems
5: Provide guidelines for design and qualification of system solutions, and support for upgrading of IEC/ISO specifications
6:Accomplish a Ph.D. degree within one of goals 2 - 4
Funding scheme:
PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver