Equipment for subsea processing of oil and gas needs power electronic converters as part of the equipment. Today the availability of feasible high power converters for subsea applications is strictly limited, or does not exist at all. E.g. the today's con verters aimed for subsea operation are based on concepts where the power circuits are completely assembled in one bar vessels. As the sea depth and the converter power rating increase, the pressure vessels gradually becomes huge unwieldy modules. Due to h igh wall thickness of bulky one bar steel containers heat conduction from the power electronics components to seawater also becomes problematic. The reliability of existing converter concepts for subsea applications is also questionable. This project prop osal addresses research and development activities for providing a technology basis for new and pioneering power electronic converter concepts suitable for subsea applications. The main activities of the project aims to clarify to what extent critical pow er electronic components, e.g. power semiconductors, capacitors and electronic parts (gate drivers with auxiliary power) can operate with satisfactory reliability in pressurized environments at deep ocean depths. If the project succeeds to prove that crit ical components are operable in high pressure environment, this will open up for the realization of quite new concepts for realizing more manageable converters, also including more confidence when it comes to reliability. Main benefits are reduced weight and volume of pressure chambers, number of electric power penetrators significantly reduced, less complex and more reliable cooling system, reduced costs and increased reliability. As an integrated part of the project the SINTEF staffs involved is also pl anned for guidance of MSc and PhD students at NTNU, thereby giving a substantial contribution of new expertise to the oil and gas industry.
Funding scheme:
PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver