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CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering

MIT-NTNU: Evaluation Methodology for Power Plants with CO2 capture

Awarded: NOK 2.9 mill.

- Develop a methodology and a tool for evaluation and comparison of concepts for power plants with CO2 capture. The methodology comprise a common framework for computational models, component characteristics, cost estimation method including the use of pr obability density functions, and operability characteristics provided by dynamic process simulation models. - Use tools to inform best routes to low carbon power from gas (timeframe of interest approximately 20 years) - Establish the methodology as refere nce in cost estimation and cost analysis for power generation with CO2 capture, enabling more precise comparisons and benchmarking between different technologies than is possible at present. - Educate two PhD candidates and enhance the cooperation between MIT, NTNU and Hydro and Statoil. This project is made up by balanced teams from MIT and NTNU. The main activities are focussed around PhD-students. As for the all the three NTNU-MIT projects, there will be a pair of PhD-students supported by senior per sonnel. An important issue is to have exchange of the PhD-students between the two universities, for a period of approximately half a year. Two PhD-students, one at MIT and one at NTNU, supervised by Howard Herzog and Greg McRae at MIT, and Olav Bolland at NTNU. The PhD-students are supposed to stay one semester at the partner institution. Master-students will be included in the program, working closely with the PhD-students. Joint publications and full sharing of data, methodologies and tools are inte nded. In order to ensure cooperation; in the first phase of the project a so-called ?Common framework? document will be made. Further, the same computational tool for heat- and mass balances will be used; ASPENPLUS. A web-hotel system will be used for sha ring documents and Aspenplus models.

Funding scheme:

CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering