The access to clean and sufficient energy represents probably the largest challenge of this century. Research programs world-wide put major emphasis on the need for rapid development of alternative and novel energy technology, and indeed, this calls for m aterials and components with performance beyond state-of-the-art. In this project (CONE), UiO/SMN unifies its forces in a coordinated effort on selected topics regarding conducting oxides (CO's) and nanostructures for energy technology, and obvious applic ations can be found in photovoltaics (PV) and solid state lightening. Basic research at the cutting edge is linked up with technology partners, and key outputs of CONE are (i) scientific results published in high impact journals, (ii) well-trained PhD's a nd Post-docs, (iii) DOFI's and patents, and (iv) novel KMB and BIP projects that emerge as a direct consequence of accomplishments by CONE.
The scientific program is focused on three strategic themes where experiment and theory are closely interwoven; "F undamental properties of defects and impurities in CO's", "Transparent conducting oxides (TCO's) for PV", and "Nanostructures for energy technology" where the latter particularly concerns nanocrystals for 3rd generation PV aiming to exceed the fundamental thermodynamic limit for conversion efficiency. Another challenging objective is realization of high-performance p-type TCO's which would imply unique possibilities in a number of areas like PV and energy saving by solid state lightening.
CONE is intended for a period of 3.5 years until the end of 2010 with an activity level of 2 PhD students, 2 Post-docs and 1 visiting scientist (part time). Excellent facilities exist at UiO/SMN for the project and extensive collaboration with leading international partn ers is planned.
Funding scheme:
NANO2021-Nanoteknologi, nanovitenskap, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer