Tromsø International Film Festival (TIFF) has presented quality films for large audiences since 1991. Our extensive experience with using film as a medium for outreach will be used to focus on the history and the identity of the polar regions. Further, we will attempt to bring attention to the leading role these regions indeed have in our own times.
The project Polar Films In Tromsø includes three main events taking place in the Polar Year 2007 -2008:
1) Nordic Youth Film Festival, June 2007 (NUFF Glo bal)
2) Silent Film Days in Tromsø, September 2007
3) Tromsø International Film Festival January 2008
1) In cooperation with NUFF Global and the World Environment Day June 5th, we will offer programs of short films made by young filmmakers from the who le world on the theme of global warming. There will be panels and discussions about the effect of global warming on the polar region. The target group is school classes at all levels.
2) During Silent Film Days in Tromsø, we will present a program consi sting of historic material from polar expeditions in cooperation with The National Library (Rana) and the Norwegian Film Institute. The program will be open to the general public. In addition we will offer special screenings for school classes at the elem entary level, with introduction by researchers from the these institutions.
Parts of this program will also be presented at Longyearbyen Kino.
3) At the Tromsø International Film Festival in January 2008, we will present a sidebar of films with a pola r theme.