The Center for Care Research East has received its mandate from the Ministry of Health to increased knowledge for the municipal health and care services. The centre's core activities reflect the mandate and include research and development work as well as management and dissemination of knowledge. The center contributes to building a bridge between research, services and education by: 1) initiating and carrying out research activities in and together with the services 2) contributing research resources and research guidance to the county-specific Development Centers for nursing homes and home services 3) disseminating such knowledge to the services, users and health and care professional educations.
The Center for Care Research works with health service research, with the aim of contributing knowledge for a better health and care service. The overarching theme of our research: development trends in the services, quality and quality work, co-production of services and technology in context.
The projects are based on different theoretical and methodological traditions and use both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Results from some of the projects:
When providing informal care women take on a heavier care load, both by providing more personal care then men and in that they spend more time caring.
Tacit knowledge shapes working methods and thus reproduces asymmetrical dominance relationships and influences immigrant women's opportunities for inclusion in work.
The services in the municipalities have moved from being a generalist service to increasingly being specialized, where services are directed as special patient groups and special needs.
Nursing home staff are important actors in promoting the quality of life of residents. Different practices help to facilitate fun, social community and participation.