The proposed competence project with user support is a cross-industry initiative on resource (raw materials and energy) optimisation and recovery in the Norwegian metals- and industry mineral production sector. The project sketch lodging number is 290. A ctive partners in the competence project are Hydro Aluminium, Elkem Aluminium, Søral ,the Norwegian Ferroalloy Producers Research Organisation (FFF), TTI and Titania, together with SINTEF and NTNU.
One of the current challenges faced by the Norwegian me tals industry is staying economically competitive on an international level, while at the same time meeting stringent national environmental requirements in terms of energy utilization, emissions to air, and solid waste deposition. In order to stay compet itive, the three most important factors (apart from minimising cost of labour and energy) are:
Utilising raw materials to their maximum i.e. using all valuable elements in both ores, reduction materials, etc., with as little as possible processing or re-p rocessing of the materials whilst minimising waste materials or unwanted products, thereby increasing the economic potential of the raw materials.
Minimising net energy usage, e.g. in terms of new raw materials choices in existing processes and energy-in tensive raw materials preparation processes. In addition, recovery of low- and high-temperature waste energy from the processes is required for obtaining lean energy usage. A focus on competence for transforming low-temperature waste energy to electric en ergy is proposed.
Production of stable quality, i.e develop knowledge for implementing robust new or modified production lines capable of adopting quality fluctuations in present and future raw materials, yet producing a stable, high quality product.