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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Fibre based packaging materials: Development of innovative and sustainable barrier concepts

Awarded: NOK 16.5 mill.

The global urge for environmental sustainability is a strong driving force towards the development of new sustainable material concepts aiming at increased use of renewable materials. To satisfy the ever more demanding customers and convenience chains, th e food industry is in need of new packaging solutions, showing improved barrier properties and flexibility, in addition to an improved environmental profile. As an environmental-friendly alternative to various synhtetic polymer coatings applied today, pr eliminary research at the present R&D partners has shown promising results related to development and use of novel barrier coatings. These preliminary findings based on a more applied research approach, give considerable expectations that long-term strate gic research in this area can give genuine step-changes in barrier properties and environmental profile of fibre-based packaging materials. Additionally, this technology is believed to contribute to development of multifunctional tie-layers. These concep ts are expected to be compatible with existing industrial processes and are therefore attractive from an industrial point of view. Based on this the relevant R&D sector in Norway has together with stake-holders in the packaging industry defined a long-te rm strategic KMB project that addresses the above-mentioned challenges and incorporates the industrial partners strategic aims for research and profitable growth. The research in SustainBarrier is divided into three fundamental work packages (Adhesion, B arrier and Application technology) that span identified competence gaps that need to be filled to reach the ambitious objective. SustainBarrier aims to publish more that 20 scientific papers in international journals, arrange national meetings/workshops a nd work as a national meeting arena for the fibre based packaging sector. Education of two PhD candidates and one Post.Doc candidate will be major deliverables and be of great value for the packaging sector.

Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena