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SAMRISK-2-Samfunnssikkerhet og risiki

Justice in the Risk Society

Awarded: NOK 3.5 mill.

Project Number:


Application Type:

Project Period:

2008 - 2013


Partner countries:

In recent decades, there has been an increased focus on societal risks, such as terrorism, health risks and natural disasters. In order to control or manage risk, new legislative measures have been established. A criminal act is no longer a necessary prec ondition for the use of force, a perceived threat or risk is in some cases sufficient. These new legislative measures may challenge fundamental rights such as the right to the integrity of the person, prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment of punis hment, the right to liberty and security, respect for private and family life, protection of personal data, the rule of law and due process. Through two sub-projects, the project will explore to what extent new efforts to control risk are balanced with c itizens' fundamental rights. The subprojects are: The European police cooperation and the exchange of information between European police agencies and the new investigative methods the police are given in order to prevent and combat organised crime.

Funding scheme:

SAMRISK-2-Samfunnssikkerhet og risiki