Gastro-intestinal infections are increasing in industrial countries and for certain diseases, e.g. diarrhoea caused by bacterial and viral infections, there is an increase in incidences that is described as having epidemic proportions. Detection of natura l components in foods that can replace antibiotics and in addition have other health outcomes could have a great potential. Many scientific studies on health effects in foods have been done on isolated components. Very little is known if the bioactive com ponent in the raw food material is still active after digestion. This aspect will become more and more important since a lot of products today and in the future will be fortified for increasing the health value. On the market today is fortified bovine mil k with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants. The question is weather they still are active in the complex milk after digestion.
Milk quality of casein/whey proteins and of saturated/ poly-unsaturated fatty acids may vary with species, however, the content of these components after digestion remains to be determined. High omega-3 and low omega-6 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) with its various isomers are known to have positive health effect by reducing coronary heart diseases (Th e Lancet, 2007). A complex of oleic acids and human alfa-lactalbumin (HAMLET) in milk have shown positive effects on cancer cells (PNAS 2000). Since milk from different species may contain different ratios and type of fatty acids and of casein/whey protei ns this needs to be determined after digestion. The fatty acid and protein content in different milks (bovine, goat and equine) and milk fortified with omega-3 fatty acid will be analysed for the content of biological active substances, after in vitro dig estion with porcine and human enzymes. The digests will be investigated for possible effect on gastrointestinal pathogens, viruses and on colon and blood cancer cell lines. Selected in animal studies will be used.