This project focuses on alternative methods of documenting traditional land use in the wake of the new Finnmark act and current investigations regarding collectively- and individually rights to land in Finnmark. An important approach will be the use of SI T (spatial information technology) and GIS to visualize historical usage, continuity and variability on maps. Outside Scandinavia, SIT in combination with GIS has been focused on since the late 1980s. In Norway and Scandinavia at large little has been don e in relation to these issues. In the coming years we will experience an augmented use of SIT and GIS at all levels of management. The Norwegian authorities require in increasing degree of sustainable management at a wide range. Through a combination of p articipating mapping, traditional archaeological surveys and GIS this project aims at mapping cultural heritage sites, uses of landscape, historical data and environments in a new way.
The project is relevant to the implementation of the Finnmark act an d the focus on sustainable resource management in relation to the Sámi landscape use and cultural knowledge.