Centre for care research (CCR) Mid-Norway is an integrated part of Faculty of Nursing and Health Science, Nord University. The centre publish research and contribute in other dissemination activities in several research areas: patient safety, ethical competence, service innovation in rehabilitation of older persons with multimorbidity, dementia care, eHealth and welfare technology, Sámi users of health and welfare services. Some projects are from a staff or leader perspective, while others are from the point of view of patients/users, relatives and volunteers. Most of the research and development activities are done in rural areas in the region, several in cooperation with the Centres for Development of Institutional and Home Care Services (USHT). The researchers at CCR are involved in educational activities at the university, including teaching and supervision at Ph.D.-, master-, and bachelor level.
The national elderly reform entitled “A Full Life – All Your Life: A Quality Reform for Older Persons” has been an important task the last years. The activities have been linked to the national support together with the Health Directorate, KS and the other four centres in CCR. CCR Mid-Norway has in this cooperative effort been responsible for preparing guidance materials related to the focus of health care. In addition, we have also participated in other focus areas. The centre has been cooperating in regional support together with the Governors in the Counties of Møre og Romsdal and in Trøndelag. There has also been regional cooperation with the USHTs in Mid-Norway.
The cooperative relationship with the other four CCR centres has been further developed and has strengthened CCR as a network. This has been done through development work related to the online Care Library (Omsorgsbiblioteket.no), the journal Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, and by participating in the strategic leader group for the CCR as a national network. Furthermore, CCR Mid-Norway has participated together with the other four CCR centres in the projects: “The politics of a changing institutional ecology: coordination, prioritization and labour in Norwegian health, care and welfare services” (Research Council of Norway) and “Missed Care and competence needs in nursing homes” (Norwegian Directorate of Health).
Senter for omsorgsforskning (SOF) midt, er et av i alt fem regionale sentre for omsorgsforskning opprettet av Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet i 2008. Ved etableringen hadde SOF midt Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag (HiNT) som vertsinstitusjon, men har siden 2016 vært tilknyttet Nord universitet – som følge av sammenslåing av HiNT, Høgskolen i Nesna og Universitetet i Nordland. Nord universitet videreutvikler og styrker et tverrfaglig forskningsmiljø innen omsorgstjenesteforsking på bakgrunn av NFRs fortsatte bevilgning til SOF midt. Hensikten med prosjektet er å samle, produsere og formidle kunnskap om omsorg og omsorgsarbeid. SOF midt sitt nedslagsfelt er preget av flere små kommuner hvor en i mange tilfeller sliter med å rekruttere sentralt helsepersonell. I tillegg har flere kommuner utfordringer knyttet til fraflytting og økning av andelen eldre. Landets sørligste bosetting av sørsamer er lokalisert i regionen. SOF midt vil også inkludere denne gruppens FoU-behov, slik at en utvikler kunnskap som legger grunnlag for at denne gruppen får helsetjenester på linje med resten av befolkningen. Regionens behov for kunnskaps- og kompetansetilførsel innen sentrale omsorgsområder er derfor stor.
Funding scheme:
HELSEVEL-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester