Centre for Care Research North is one of five regional centres of care research in Norway. The network of centres of care research (CCR) was established by the Ministry of Health in 2008. Our mandate is to gather, produce and disseminate knowledge on care and carework in Norway.
We are conducting research and development work for and with the end users and employees of municipal health and care services in our region, North Norway.
Our research concentrates on three prioritized areas – municipal health- and care services in an Arctic/ northern perspective, rehabilitation and patient trajectories that require collaboration across services and administrative levels, and user involvement in health service improvement work.
We aim for all our research to be practice oriented. An important collaborating partner in our work are the local USHT: “Utviklingssentre for sykehjem og hjemmetjenester” (Centres for health care improvement work in nursing homes and home care services).
CCR and our research group are involved in 22 research projects, as lead or participating partner. We also participate in health care improvement work together with the USHT and public municipal health service providers in our region. We disseminate knowledge from our projects through traditional scientific output channels such as journal articles, books and conferences, and also through more popularized dissemination channels such as mass media and commentary articles.
Some examples from our project portfolio:
- RehabLOS. A study aiming to develop an interdisciplinary, cross sectorial and digitally supported rehabilitation model for persons with acquired brain injuries.
- The recipients of multiple specialist health care services (heavy users), what municipal health and care services do they receive?
- How does sociocultural and material factors affect health, illness and survival in Finnmark county?
- Implementing the health community model in Norway. Pilot. Project in development phase.
- Prevention of functionality loss for the elderly, network for running patient security and improvement work.
- Geriontology and psychiatry
- Experiences from the COVID19 pandemic in Norwegian nursing homes
- Incomplete care and needs for competences in nursing homes
- Digital care and equity. Project in development phase.
We have collaborating partners form international and national research institutions; the University of Saskatchewan (Canada), the university of Jyväskylä (Finland), Griffith University (Australia) and the international researcher network DIPEx International.
Together with the national network of Care Research Centres (CCR) we contribute to the content and daily administration of four designated dissemination channels for Norwegian care research: the journal of Norwegian care research (Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning), The care research library (Omsorgsbiblioteket), our joint webpage (www.omsorgsforskning.no), and the bi-annual national conference for care research in Norway.
Høgskolen i Tromsø har en bred helsefaglig profil, er en del av et kompetent og regionalt nettverk innen omsorgsforskning og er strategisk plassert i regionen. Dette gjør Høgskolen i Tromsø særlig kompetent for å etablere et Senter for omsorgsforskning. V ed videreutvikling av avdeling for helsefags flerfaglige forskningsprofil vil fire tematiske områder i omsorgsforskningen stå sentralt: 1) samarbeid og samordning mellom nivå og tjenester, 2) omsorgstjenester i en flerkulturell kontekst, 3) aktiv omsorg o g rehabilitering og 4) utvikling av metodisk tilnærming i helsefaglig forskning. Gjennom aktiv nettverksbygging og samarbeid på tvers av yrkesgrupper og organisatoriske grenser skal vi bidra til videreutvikling av praksisfeltet som samarbeidsarena for for skere og fagutøvere. Forskningsresultater, kompetanseheving og nye metoder skal bidra til utvikling av kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester, dette med særskilt fokus på demens og utfordringer knyttet til eldres helsetjenestebehov.