Our shared interest in theoretical questioning has led us towards a more rigorous interrogation of the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of some of the concepts that are currently being marshalled in the name of democracy and freedom, among them , "citizenship", "human rights", "subject", "sexed bodies", etc. But above all, we wish to explore the possibility of developing and discovering new modes of thinking that are compatible not only with the present, but that will allow us to think future co nfigurations of gender, democracy and freedom. The project's main problematic will focus on the question: Which theories and mode(s) of thought will allow for a thorough rethinking of the questions of gender, democracy and freedom in our global and techno logical era? Within the parameters of the overall project, the individual researchers will explore three different research areas: i) citizenship ii) bodies and sexualities and iii) new technologies. Theoretically, the project will explore poststructurali st, deconstructive, post-colonial as well as queer perspectives. The main corpus of the project's research will be performed by three individual researchers to be funded within the project, one senior researcher (in a 2-year position) who will study the c oncept of citizenship through a critical reflection upon the gendered and sexualized symbolic and cultural assumptions of the modern nation-state and one Ph.D project, to be defined within any of the three research areas. The project will also include a n umber of partners from our local institution as well as from other national and international institutions, who will pursue individual topics that will be defined within at least two of the research areas.