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NANO2021-Nanoteknologi, nanovitenskap, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer

Multifunctional paint coatings for "all-polymeric" solar thermal collectors

Awarded: NOK 0.48 mill.

Project Manager:

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Project Period:

2009 - 2012



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Coloured and energy efficient all-polymeric solar thermal collectors represent a viable alternative to solar collectors using black-bluish selective sputtered cermet coatings deposited on copper and aluminium such as TiNOX and Sunselect (Alanod) coatings, overwhelming solar thermal market in the Europe today. All-polymeric solar collectors developed in the frame of this project represent a respond to a call for novel non-metallic solar absorbers and collectors expressed recently by IEA-SHCP (Task 39) (htt p://, outlining the need for easily integrating, highly efficient and aesthetic light weight solar collectors made of recyclable materials and low cost. The aim of this project is to develop innovative, multifunctional, energy efficient an d competitive coatings for polymeric absorbers suitable for solar collector systems for buildings' roofs and facades. The polymeric absorber will be based on polyphenylenesulphide (PPS,Chevron Phillips Chemicals) characterized by high glass transition tem perature (Tg~150ºC), high melting point (Tm~260ºC) imparting heat resistance up to 191ºC, with intermittent exposure to 204ºC. The photothermal efficiency of black non-selective PPS absorbers will be increased by applying multifunctional Thickness Insensi tive Spectrally Selective (TISS) coatings based on temperature stable paints having various hues of colours (aesthetic demands), spectral selectivity (energy demands) and surface properties improved by high surface hardness, antisoiling properties and inc reased UV stability (stability demands). This project therefore offers a complete solution for the fabrication and commercial production of polymeric absorbers for all-polymeric glazed or unglazed collectors for roofs and building facades based on PPS abs orber adequately modified with energy efficient coloured TISS paint coatings and polymeric glazing materials such as polycarbonate, protected by UV absorbing clear and scratch resistant non-pigmented sol gel coating

Funding scheme:

NANO2021-Nanoteknologi, nanovitenskap, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer