User participation is a central concept in Norwegian health policy. It is mandatory in hospitals and emphasised as one of the most prioritised areas by the Government. Despite this, there is hardly any research on the effect of user participation and none of the systematic reviews on user participation have found effect studies of sound methodological quality. Furthermore, there are few signs of ongoing research activities that have developed this area in any substantial way. The situation is the same in both somatic and psychiatric settings. Therefore it is clear need for research that can contribute to build a platform of knowledge to make users, health personnel and health authorities able to make informed decisions on forms of user participation in he alth services. In a field with so little empirical research on the effect, the best strategic step is to build research capacity.
The studies (see aims) will be conducted in a way that allows for a combination of qualitative and quantitative data to desc ribe and evaluate the process of implementing user involvement. This mixed method is useful for creating a broad understanding of both the practical side of implementing user involvement but also to understand the effects this brings about.
During this 4 year project, one PhD candidate and one Post.doc and a part time research assistant will be engaged. The Post.doc will work mainly on the qualitative studies, the PhD candidate mainly on the observational and quasi experimental studies and both the PhD a nd the Post.doc will work on the randomised controlled trial. The Post.doc will work on combining the qualitative and quantitative data.
The post.doc and the research assistant will be financed by the Norwegian Research council.