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FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosjektstøtte for medisin, helse og biologi

Hip fractures: Predictors, incidence and survival. NOREPOS: The Norwegian Epidemiological Osteoporosis Studies

Awarded: NOK 9.2 mill.

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Project Period:

2009 - 2015



Although Norway has among the highest incidences of hip fractures in the world, the true figures are not known, nor are the causes. Osteoporotic fractures bring about much pain, suffering and reduced quality of life for the patients, and the economic cons equences are very high. A linkage will be established with hip fractures, deaths, socioeconomic factors and water quality from the whole Norwegian population 1994-2007. The linkage will also include COhort NORway, with information about risk factors (incl uding stored biologic samples) from > 181,000 participants, and > 47,000 bone mineral density measures (NOREPOS), some of the largest cohort studies in the world. Our first and fundamental objective is to describe the incidence and mortality of hip fractu res 1994-2007. Thereafter, we seek to explain some of the variation in hip fracture risk by environmental and lifestyle factors. There are indications that water quality, through its variable content of minerals and bacteria, could affect the risk for hip fracture. The investigation of this novel hypothesis is made possible through data from the Norwegian Registry of Waterworks. Second, there are indications that vitamin A (whose intake in Norway is generally high) affects the relation between vitamin D a nd skeletal health negatively. A nested case-control study using stored sera will examine whether a high intake of Vitamin A increases the risk of fractures. No previous studies, and no other research groups, have had the opportunity to investigate import ant and novel public health determinants of hip fractures on such a large scale. The linkages between exposure and outcome data give us an international advantage. Results will give directions for future research and for preventive strategies. The researc h will be conducted by NOREPOS, a ten-year old unique interdisciplinary research network including all the university medical faculties in the country, in addition to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health

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FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosjektstøtte for medisin, helse og biologi