To qualify and quantify the potential advantages of the Typhoon Valve technology in a subse application, it is necessary to address the following six issues:
1. Examine and determine Typhoon Valve ability to reduce emulsion viscosity
2. Study and determi ne Typhoon Valve resistance against erosion and abrasion
3. Study and determine Typhoon Valve resistance against cavitations and flashing
4. Examine and determine vibration (and noise) of Typhoon Valve
5. Verify/confirm Typhoon Valve ability to avoid/limi t valve blocking
6. Verify Typhoon Valve ability to minimize size of downstream safety systems
There are considerable R&D challenges connected to especially issues 1, 2 and 3. R&D work connected to the issues 4, 5 and 6 will be partly based on measuremen ts and results from ongoing development activities and partly on results from the activities connected to the issues 1, 2 and 3. Finally, there will be challenges connected to the marinisation of Typhoon Valve.
This project has been planned and organized in 8 parallel and/or consecutive activities over a period of 39 months. The activities are phased, and six of the phase transitions form a milestone and a decision point. Theoretical work, laboratory experiments and full-scale tests will be important ele ments of this work.