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PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

TERMINERT! Fault Facies II

Awarded: NOK 0.62 mill.

Fault related feature have a major impact on fluid flow in many hydrocarbon reservoirs. Despite their ubiquity standard industrial models are not equipped to handle fault zones in a realistic manner. Consequently the ability to forecast fault impact on re servoir performance and drilling operation remains highly limited as faults are incorporated in an oversimplified manner as planes with attached transmissibilities rather than actual volumetrically expressed fault envelopes. The issue was successfully add ressed by the Petromaks-sponsored Fault Facies (2004-2007) project which developed a highly promising and innovative technology for for fault zone modeling. The intention of the proposed project is to continue capitalize on these results and continue deve lopment of this method to a stage where it can be employed as a standard option for industrial reservoir modeling purposes. If successful it will allow explicit integration of large amounts of fault related observations which currently can not be implemen ted in reservoir models. Giving a more correct representation of geology, the use of the FF method will improve production planning and drilling operations as well as improve risk assessment of in un-drilled prospects. The initiative for this project is d riven by the significant interest in the method and its potential voiced by both industry and academic institutions and the fact that CIPR is the only research institution currently addressing the fundamental challenges of incorporating fault zone archite ctures in reservoir models in a comprehensive, multidisciplinary way.

Funding scheme:

PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver