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P-KVINN-Program for kvinne- og kjønnsf

Kjønn og endrete par-relasjoner Gender and partnership dynamics/Kjønn og endrete par-relasjoner

Awarded: NOK 5.2 mill.

Project Number:


Application Type:

Project Period:

2010 - 2013


Subject Fields:

Shifts in partnership and family dynamics and gender roles have captured the attention of policymakers across Western countries. How such changes affect men's and women's well-being in partnerships is an important issue, which demands research on the inte rrelationship between new partnership behaviour, gender relations and well-being. Norway and the other Nordic countries have been viewed as forerunners in gender equality, and much of recent family-demographic changes started in these countries. This make s Norway an interesting and important country for studying these issues. Our point of departure is an investigation of individual gender equality attitudes and practices in partnerships. We aim at identifying, describing and reflecting on individual attit udes and relational practices within couples and how these patterns vary across cultural, social and regional settings. Next, even though heterosexual marriage persists as a strong norm, previously held models of family dynamics are increasingly outdated. For instance, gender egalitarianism and individualism may encourage non-traditional partnerships. By analysing the current patterns of partnership formation and women's and men's partner preferences, we will throw light on the current understanding of ma rriage and cohabitation in a gender perspective. Last, we will explore the interrelationship between gender equality and partnership well-being. Within couples, individual characteristics, expectations and attitudes are challenged by the partner's ditto a nd the likelihood of the couple experiencing a happy life together depends on a wide range of circumstances.

Funding scheme:

P-KVINN-Program for kvinne- og kjønnsf