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An Ethnographic Research on the EU-Driven Security Policies and Bureaucratic Transformation Efforts in the Everyday Work of the Police.

Awarded: NOK 69,999

With the EU membership process, Turkey has been subjected to many diverse and contradictory policies in different areas, which affect the structure of the bureaucratic institutions and everyday life of the people. Therefore, it is not only important but a lso crucial to study the impact of these policies in order to understand the nature of the decision-making processes, understand the cultural change or maybe resistance and gain insight about the conditions of influenced masses. It is getting vital to adr ess the impact of policy by exploring its mechanisms, disguises and implications for cultural practices in different societies. The connections between the policy, power and bureaucracy/organizations should be focused on on the one hand and the relation ship of cultural change and dynamics of policy-making process should be adressed on the other. In this respect, the fundemental questions are: How do the policies work as instruments of governance and why do they sometimes fail to function as intended?, H ow do policies construct their subjects as objects of power? Is the policy a tool to regulate a population from top-down? Is it a technical, rational, target-oriented instrument? What is the context of the policies? At this stage, the unique research me thod of social anthropology, which is known as fieldwork or ethnography, can contribute a lot with its inductive approach. It is important to collect data as an insider and touch the realities of the people in the field, on the spot. In addition to that t he holistic approach of anthropology can shed light on the disguises of the different aspects of the reality. This project attempts to inquire the causes of the 'imlementation problem' of the EU oriented security policies and bureaucratic transformatio n efforts of the Ministry of Interior of Turkey on the basis of empirical data, which is collected by long-term fieldwork which is conducted among the daily lives of the civil servants, police in particular.

Funding scheme:
